Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1806 PART V Pediatric Sonography








FIG. 52.45 Renal Artery Stenosis in a 4-Year-Old Boy With Midaortic Syndrome and Hypertension. (A) and (B) Longitudinal gray-scale

and color Doppler images of the abdominal aorta show focal marked mural thickening and signiicant luminal narrowing as well as color aliasing at

the site of stenosis (arrows). (C) and (D) Spectral Doppler display reveals an elevated peak systolic velocity within the aorta at the site of narrowing

(C) compared with the peak systolic velocity within a more proximal portion of the aorta (D). Peak systolic velocity within the proximal right main

renal artery is elevated (E) compared with the velocity obtained from a more distal portion of the artery (F). The distal artery also demonstrates a

delayed systolic upstroke with diminished amplitude and rounding of the systolic peak (tardus-parvus waveform). (G) A similar tardus-parvus spectral

Doppler waveform is obtained from the interlobar vessels of the right kidney.

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