Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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292 PART II Abdominal and Pelvic Sonography




FIG. 8.40 Acute Diverticulitis of Sigmoid Colon in Three

Patients. Cross-sectional views of part of the left colon. (A) Mild

prominence of the muscular layer. The diverticulum (arrow) shows as

a bright, echogenic shadowing focus, possibly related to a fecalith

within. The wall of the diverticulum is not evident. There is minimal

inlamed fat. (B) Diverticulum (arrow) has a thick, hypoechoic wall.

There is a small, bright focus centrally but no shadowing. (C) Larger

focus of echogenicity and shadowing related to an abscess that formed

at the base of the inlamed diverticulum. Diverticula frequently show

optimally on the cross-sectional images.



FIG. 8.41 Pericolonic Changes With Diverticulitis in Two Patients. (A) Long-axis view of descending colon shows a long segment of

thickened gut with prominent muscularis propria. Edema of the perienteric fat is striking and shows as a homogeneous echogenic mass effect deep

to the gut. (B) Similarly inlamed fat; phlegmonous change (P) shows as a hypoechoic zone centrally within the fat. G, Gut. See also Video 8.15.

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