Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 18 Organ Transplantation 645



FIG. 18.23 Right Adrenal Hemorrhage. (A) Sagittal sonogram and (B) CT show a small right adrenal mass (arrows).



FIG. 18.24 Intrahepatic Fluid Collection. (A) Transverse and (B) sagittal sonograms show anechoic luid surrounding echogenic falciform

ligament (arrowheads).

Most oten, the kidney is aligned with its long axis parallel to

the surgical incision, with the hilum oriented inferiorly and

posteriorly. Occasionally, in obese patients, the long axis may

lie in an anterior-to-posterior plane. 48

Longitudinal and transverse measurements of the transplant

should be obtained with the kidney imaged through the hilum.

Although there are no normative data for comparison, these

measurements serve as a useful baseline for future reference to

assess for interval changes in volume of the allograt. he

transplant kidney may hypertrophy by up to 15% within the irst

2 weeks ater surgery, and eventually may increase in volume

by 40%, with the inal size attained at about 6 months. 49-51

he transplanted kidney appears morphologically similar to

the native kidney, with many of the subtle diferences attributed

to the improved resolution from proximity of the allograt to

the skin surface (Fig. 18.29, Video 18.1 and Video 18.2). he

normal renal cortex is well deined, hypoechoic, and easily

diferentiated from the highly relective, central echogenic renal

sinus fat. Apart from this improved corticomedullary diferentiation,

the renal pyramids of the allograt are more easily visualized

than in the native kidney, appearing as wedge-shaped structures

that are hypoechoic to the surrounding parenchyma. 44

he collecting system should be assessed for the presence of

hydronephrosis. If a stent is present, its proximal and distal

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