Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1226 PART IV Obstetric and Fetal Sonography

Pathogenesis and Pathology

Most cases of spina biida result from failure of closure of the

embryologic neural tube, although some may be caused by rupture

of the neural tube ater primary closure. Most NTDs occur as

isolated malformations in chromosomally normal individuals,

although 9% to 17% of fetuses with spina biida have chromosomal

abnormalities (mostly trisomy 18 and trisomy 13). 58,59 Typically,

chromosomally abnormal fetuses have other abnormalities

detected by sonography in addition to the spinal abnormality.

Some NTDs are part of a genetic condition. Autosomal dominant

conditions include Lehman syndrome. Autosomal recessive

conditions include Meckel-Gruber syndrome and VATER

syndrome (vertebral defect, imperforate anus, tracheoesophageal

istula, radial and renal dysplasia). Two X-linked conditions are

the Mathias laterality sequence and X-linked neural tube

defects. 2

A number of studies have found the incidence of NTD to be

about 10 times higher in spontaneously aborted pregnancies

than in term births, indicating an in utero selection against

embryos with such defects. 60

In the most severe form of NTD, the embryologic neural tube

(the precursor to the spinal cord) remains open in addition to

the overlying mesodermal structures, which include the neural

arch, muscles, and skin. he resultant pathology is myeloschisis;

the open, lattened spinal cord is exposed posteriorly through a

wide defect in the posterior neural arch and associated musculature

and skin.

In less severe cases of NTD, the major anatomic defect is in

the structures derived from the mesodermal tissues overlying

the embryologic neural tube. Although the spinal cord oten is

anatomically intact, the embryologic neural tube has failed to

induce closure of the overlying neural arches, muscles, and skin.

he result is a myelomeningocele, a cystic mass protruding

from the spinal canal. he cystic mass wall is composed of thin

arachnoid membrane without skin covering, and the contents

are cerebrospinal luid and neural elements. Occasionally, a

myelomeningocele is covered with skin. A skin-covered myelomeningocele

is considered a closed defect, and a myelomeningocele

without skin covering is considered an open defect. An

open defect allows AFP to escape into the surrounding amniotic

luid; a closed defect does not. hus a closed or skin-covered

defect is not usually associated with raised levels of AFP in the

amniotic luid or maternal serum. Infrequently, the protruding

cystic mass contains only cerebrospinal luid and no neural

elements, a meningocele.

Spina biida occulta is restricted to involvement of the

mesoderm of the posterior vertebral arch and rarely exhibits

intrinsic maldevelopment of the spinal cord. his may result

from an insult occurring at the end of the fourth embryologic

week (sixth menstrual week), causing failure of complete formation

of the posterior midline structures. he prevalence of spina

biida occulta, excluding cases that later disappear (i.e., delayed

ossiication of preexisting intact cartilage), is approximately 17%. 61

he lumbosacral spine is most oten involved. About 66% of

spina biida occulta cases have skin manifestations: nevi, lumbosacral

lipomas, dermal sinus, hypertrichosis (tut of hair, “horse’s

tail or fawn’s tail”), or scarred area. A sacral pit or dimple is not

highly correlated with spina biida occulta. Although infrequently

associated with other abnormalities, spina biida occulta may

be associated with urologic dysfunction and tethered cord

syndrome, foot deformity, increased incidence of spondylolisthesis,

and intervertebral disc herniation. Spina biida occulta is diicult

to detect with prenatal ultrasound unless it is associated with a

lipoma, a simple meningocele, or tethered cord. A history of

familial spina biida occulta is not known to be a risk factor for

an open NTD. 2

Alpha-Fetoprotein and

Ultrasound Screening

Because most NTDs occur in families with no history of such

abnormalities, prenatal detection relies on routine screening

measures, including ultrasound and MS-AFP measurement.

Alpha-fetoprotein is a glycoprotein (molecular weight 70,000)

produced by fetal liver. Some of it enters the amniotic luid

through fetal urine, and a small amount crosses the placenta to

maternal serum. Normal AFP levels in amniotic luid and maternal

serum vary with gestational age. MS-AFP and amniotic luid

AFP are elevated in NTDs that are not skin covered. If the upper

limit of normal MS-AFP is taken to be 2.5 multiples of the median

(MOM) for a given gestational age, MS-AFP will be elevated in

approximately 90% of open NTDs. About 2% of normal pregnancies

have an elevated MS-AFP; that is, of all the elevated test

results for MS-AFP, most fetuses will be normal (Fig. 35.12). At

this stage, a detailed ultrasound examination is required to

determine which fetuses actually have an NTD.

Causes of Elevated Maternal Serum


Multifetal pregnancy

Fetal death

Fetomaternal transfusion

Omphalocele and gastroschisis

Congenital nephrosis

Esophageal or duodenal atresia

Polycystic kidney disease

Renal agenesis

Urinary obstruction

Epidermolysis bullosa

Sacrococcygeal teratoma

Cystic hygroma

Osteogenesis imperfect

Cloacal exstrophy


Normal (2% of pregnancies)

Norem at al. 62 found that MS-AFP testing was normal in 25%

of NTDs (25 of 102 cases). hese included 15 of the 40 (38%)

spina biida cases screened, 6 of the 9 (67%) encephalocele cases

screened, and 4 of the 53 (8%) anencephaly cases screened. Of

the 186 NTD cases diagnosed prenatally, 115 (62%) were initially

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