Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 54 Pediatric Pelvic Sonography 1887

however, this pattern may also be seen in other cystic lesions. 21,72

In extensive cases of PID the pelvis is difusely illed with a

heterogeneous echo pattern containing cystic and solid components

that obscure tissue planes and uterine margins.

A complication of PID is gonococcal or chlamydial perihepatitis

(Fitz-Hugh–Curtis syndrome). he patient has right

upper quadrant pain caused by localized peritonitis of the anterior

liver surface and parietal peritoneum of the anterior abdominal

wall. Sonographic indings include the presence of ascitic luid

and thickening of the right anterior extrarenal tissue between

the liver and right kidney. 74,75

Foreign Bodies

A vaginal discharge may be a sign of vaginal infection or trauma.

Foreign bodies in the vagina are a cause of 4% of cases of vaginitis.

A wad of toilet paper is the most common foreign body in the

vagina in the pediatric population. Vaginal foreign bodies are

seen in 18% of children with vaginal bleeding and discharge and

in 50% of children with vaginal bleeding and no discharge.

Sonography, either transabdominal or transperineal, with or

without water vaginography, can identify both radiopaque and

nonradiopaque foreign bodies within the vagina as echogenic

material with distal acoustic shadowing. A retained vaginal foreign

body can be demonstrated on sonography as a slight indentation

on the posterior bladder wall. Acoustic shadowing is characteristic

but may not be present. 76,77


Ultrasound is integral to the evaluation of children with endocrine

abnormalities. In the newborn with ambiguous genitalia, pelvic

sonography can quickly determine the presence or absence of

the uterus and vagina. Identiication of the ovaries or testes is

more diicult because normal neonatal ovaries are diicult to

visualize with ultrasound. Using a high-resolution (12-17 MHz)

linear transducer, the gonads may be found in the inguinal canal

or in the ambiguous labioscrotal folds. Diferentiation of the

gonads between ovaries and testes may be possible because ovaries

oten have small, hypoechoic follicles and testes have a solid,

homogeneous echotexture. 78

Causes of Primary Amenorrhea

Sonographic assessment of the uterine size, shape, and maturity

and ovarian development can provide a clue to the many causes

of primary amenorrhea. A small or absent uterus may be an

indication of gonadal dysgenesis, chromosomal abnormalities,

decreased hormonal states, testicular feminization, or isolated

uterine hypoplasia or agenesis. In Turner syndrome (45,XO

karyotype), the most common form of gonadal dysgenesis, there

is delayed or absent puberty associated with short stature, webbed

neck, renal anomalies, and coarctation of the aorta. Turner

syndrome is almost always mosaic (45,XO/46,XX). he ovaries

vary from nonvisualized streak ovaries to normal-appearing

ovaries. he uterine coniguration also varies from prepubertal

to an intermediate length that is less than that of the normal

adult female. Cleeman and colleagues 79 demonstrated in a group

of 41 patients with Turner syndrome that one or both ovaries

were detected in 37% by ultrasound. he mean ovarian volume

was lower in those with Turner syndrome than in the controls

(p = .001) (1.1 mL vs. 11.52 mL). he mean uterine volume was

not signiicantly diferent from that in the normal controls.

Other forms of gonadal dysgenesis are also associated with

nonvisualization of the ovaries as a result of absent or streak

gonads. In pure gonadal dysgenesis (Swyer syndrome), the

patients have 46,XX or 46,XY karyotypes and normal height.

Mixed gonadal dysgenesis is a genetic mosaic of karyotypes

45,XO/46,XY with a streak ovary and a contralateral intraabdominal

testicle. Both these forms of gonadal dysgenesis have

an increased risk of gonadal tumors as a result of the presence

of the Y chromosome. Noonan syndrome (pseudo–Turner

syndrome) is characterized by phenotypic changes of Turner

syndrome, normal ovarian function, and normal ovaries on


Testicular feminization is another cause of primary amenorrhea.

It is a sex-linked recessive abnormality, resulting in endorgan

insensitivity to androgens. hese patients are phenotypic

females with a 46,XY karyotype. he uterus and ovaries are absent,

the vagina ends blindly, and the testes are ectopic (usually pelvic

or within inguinal canals or in labia majora).

Precocious Puberty

Precocious puberty is the development of secondary sexual

characteristics, gonadal enlargement, and ovulation before age

8 years. In true precocious puberty, the endocrine proile is similar

to that of normal puberty, with elevated levels of estrogen and

gonadotropins. he uterus has an enlarged, postpubertal coniguration

(fundus-to-cervix ratio of 2 : 1 to 3 : 1) with a more

prominent echogenic endometrial canal than seen in prepubertal

females. he ovarian volume is greater than 1 mL, and functional

cysts are oten present. Precocious puberty is classiied into two

types: central and peripheral. Central precocious puberty (true

precocious puberty) is gonadotropin dependent. 80,81 More than

80% of these cases are idiopathic. Intracranial tumors, usually

a hypothalamic glioma or hamartoma, account for 5% to 10%

of cases. here are occasional cases that follow development of

increased intracranial pressure, such as postmeningitis hydrocephalus.

he augmented uterine and ovarian volumes shown

on ultrasound occur before the typical changes in secretion

patterns of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating

hormone (FSH) revealed with the luteinizing hormone–releasing

hormone (LHRH) test. Pelvic sonography during treatment with

long-acting gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues will show

decreased uterine and ovarian volume compared with pretreatment

values, and the hormonal status will become appropriate

for age. 82,83

In pseudoprecocious puberty, the peripheral type, the

endocrine proile is variable because this type is gonadotropin

independent. Usually, the estrogen levels are elevated and the

gonadotropin levels are low. he cause is outside the hypothalamicpituitary

axis—usually an ovarian tumor. Granulosa tumor is

the most common lesion. Other, less frequent causes are functioning

ovarian cysts, dysgerminoma, teratoma, and choriocarcinoma.

Ultrasound will identify the ovarian mass and a mature


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