Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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FIG. 35.15 Skin-Covered Myelomeningocele. (A) Endovaginal posterior transaxial scan shows a myelomeningocele sac covered by a thick

wall (arrowheads). Echogenic material passes through the spina biida defect into the myelomeningocele sac. Endocervical canal (arrows). (B)

Endovaginal color Doppler posterior transaxial scan demonstrates a blood vessel protruding from the spinal canal into the myelomeningocele sac.

(C) Endovaginal posterior longitudinal scan shows the myelomeningocele sac covered by a thick wall (arrowheads). (D) Neonatal picture shows

the focal skin-covered lumbar myelomeningocele. The bluish tinge within the sac is a blood vessel detected by endovaginal color Doppler in B. (E)

and (F) Longitudinal and posterior transaxial scans of a different fetus at 19 weeks’ gestational age demonstrate a small posterior cyst containing

neural elements (calipers) covered by skin protruding through the splayed laminae. No intracranial abnormalities were demonstrated.

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