Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1178 PART IV Obstetric and Fetal Sonography

obstructive hydrocephalus). Alternatively, the site of blockage

may be outside the ventricular system, or there may be failure

of absorption (extraventricular obstructive hydrocephalus or

communicating hydrocephalus). Second and less oten, VM

results from excess CSF secretion with choroid plexus papillomas.

hird, VM can follow cerebral destruction and brain shrinkage

as a result of abnormal brain development or diverse insults

(hydrocephalus ex vacuo). Fourth, it may be a feature of generalized

cerebral malformation. Apart from the efects of the basic

underlying disorder, the degree of brain injury with HC varies

with age of onset and magnitude and duration of the dilation,

all of which afect periventricular axons, myelin, and microvasculature,

resulting in cerebrovascular injury, gliosis, and inlammation

and compensation by neuroplasticity. 66,82

Examples of Conditions Associated With


Obstructive hydrocephalus

Aqueduct stenosis (idiopathic, infections, bleeding,

X-linked, obstructing masses)

Spina biida with Chiari II malformation

Large choroid plexus cyst

Excess cerebrospinal luid (CSF) production

Choroid plexus papillomas

Destructive processes (encephaloclasis)

Vascular insult





Cerebral malformations

Aneuploidy (trisomies 21, 18, 13)

Agenesis of corpus callosum

Vermian dysgenesis and Dandy-Walker malformation


Neuronal migration abnormalities (lissencephaly,



Ultrasound Evaluation of Ventriculomegaly

he detection of VM is generally straightforward, but the

determination of its etiology can be diicult. Several approaches

to measuring ventricular size have been described: atrial width,

choroid separation, ventricle-to-hemisphere ratio, combined

anterior horn width, and visual anatomic appearance. Of these,

the universally accepted method is the transverse measurement

of the atrium of the occipital horn (see Figs. 34.3, 34.9A, and

34.11A). Methodological scanning can oten determine speciic

causes. 39 he size of the head is not helpful in detecting VM,

and frequently the BPD remains normal even with severe

ventricular enlargement. Nomograms of other parts of the

ventricles are available but not in common use. 83

In the irst trimester the choroid plexus should ill the

prominent-appearing lateral ventricle, except for the conspicuous

luid containing anterior frontal horn of the lateral ventricle,

which should not be mistaken for abnormality (see Fig. 34.1B).

VM manifests as a small-appearing choroid plexus with excess

surrounding luid. 8

Qualitative appearances suggesting ventricular enlargement

include convexity (outward bulge) to the lateral wall of the lateral

ventricle and asymmetrical position of the let and right choroids,

which fall with gravity when unsupported by ventricular walls

because the choroids are denser than CSF (“droopy” or “dangling”

choroids) (Fig. 34.11B, Video 34.5). With massive ventricular

enlargement, the interhemispheric structures, particularly the

septum pellucidum, undulate with maternal pulse and movements

and can become disrupted (fenestrate), allowing the let and

right lateral ventricles to communicate. he upper choroid can

fall across the midline through this hole and into the lower

ventricle (Fig. 34.11C).

Once ventricular enlargement is suspected, attention turns to

etiology and a detailed search for associated cerebral and somatic

abnormalities that may suggest speciic causes or syndromes.

Both let and right ventricles should be measured, and both

hemispheres evaluated. 5,39,67,68 Associated brain abnormalities

may be subtle and not readily appreciated on standard axial

scanning. Coronal and sagittal views both transabdominally

and transvaginally and use of 3-D multiplanar scans can be

especially helpful to detect abnormalities of the cerebellar vermis

and corpus callosum. 5,79 MRI adds additional information in 5%

to 50% of cases, especially with respect to parenchymal injury,

migrational disorders, ischemia, hemorrhage, and brainstem

abnormalities. 17,71,76,84-86

Fetuses with suspected VM should be evaluated by a knowledgeable

team with experience in the investigation, counseling,

management, and follow-up of prenatally discovered abnormalities.

Additional testing can be ofered including karyotype and

molecular analysis, testing for infection (especially CMV, Toxoplasma,

and rubella), platelet antibodies, and follow-up examinations

to follow ventricle growth and to detect additional

late-appearing indings that may relate to prognosis (porencephaly,

malformation of cortical development, hemorrhage). Postpartum

evaluation is important to evaluate for additional prenatally

unsuspected abnormalities and to plan treatments. 39,66,68,71,82

Prognosis relates to the degree of VM, progression of VM,

and especially the presence of associated abnormalities. In

cases of VM associated with chromosomal or other CNS and

somatic abnormalities, the prognosis and recurrence risk relate to

underlying conditions. 71,87 When VM is truly isolated, neurodevelopmental

outcome relates to the degree of enlargement. Normal

functional outcome is reported in about 85% to 96% of mild

(10-12 mm), 76% of moderate (12-15 mm), and 28% of severe

(>15 mm) cases. Outcome is better if VM is stable or decreases,

and worse with enlarging ventricles. Unilateral cases behave

similarly. 71,78,88,89

Counseling of parents remains diicult, and long-term outcome

remains guarded. Laskin and colleagues 88 reported that initially

85% of children had a favorable outcome, but this decreased to

79% by 20 months. Remember also that 2% to 3% or more of

entirely normal-appearing fetuses and children can also have

developmental disability, and it is not clear how this rate compares

with those with IVM. 71,76

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