Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 27 Peripheral Vessels 965

Prior chapters have described details of physics of Doppler

analysis and use of ultrasound in the assessment of the

vasculature supplying the head and neck. In this chapter we

describe assessment of the peripheral arteries and veins, as well

as arteriovenous istula (AVF) and grats. In general, these areas

are readily evaluated by Doppler ultrasound. Because they are

usually located at depths of 6 cm or less, the extremity vessels

are more consistently imaged than those in the abdomen or

thorax. Availability of suicient imaging windows allows the

transducer to be placed over the vascular area of interest with

overlying tissue containing bone or gas. Transducers with frequencies

greater than 5 MHz can typically be used.

Gray-scale sonography is useful for evaluating the presence

of atherosclerotic plaque or conirming extravascular masses.

Color low Doppler imaging allows for a rapid survey of the area

of interest, and then spectral Doppler can be used to characterize

blood low patterns.

Standardized protocols, such as those provided by the American

College of Radiology (ACR), American Institute of Ultrasound

in Medicine, and Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound should

be followed. 1,2 It is recommended that examinations be performed

in an accredited laboratory with participation in one of the

vascular accreditation programs, such as the ACR or the Intersocietal

Commission for the Accreditation of Vascular Laboratories,

in order to achieve a national standard of excellence and

to improve the chance of success of peripheral arterial and venous

ultrasound examinations. 3 In the setting of a dedicated staf and

with physician support, ultrasound can be used to diagnose many

peripheral vascular abnormalities deinitively and avoid the need

for ionizing radiation or intravenous contrasted cross-sectional



A variety of symptoms and signs can be evaluated by arterial

ultrasound. Sonographic examination is relatively rapid and has

beneits over other modalities, such as real-time technique, lack

of ionizing radiation, and relatively low expense. In the last two

decades, the number of indications for peripheral artery ultrasound

has expanded. he most recent ACR practice parameter

on the topic lists indications for the examination, which include

claudication and/or rest pain in the lower extremities to evaluate

for arterial stenosis or occlusion. 2 Patients with pain, discoloration,

or ulcer formation in the extremities (most commonly lower)

may have tissue ischemia or necrosis from arterial stenosis or

occlusion. Additional symptoms of numbness or cold extremity

may be noted. However, symptomatology may vary depending

on the rapidity of onset and whether collaterals have developed

to decrease the efects of stenosis on the tissues. In some patients,

vascular abnormalities may be subclinical and found incidentally

on imaging for other indications. Once an abnormality has

been identiied, ultrasound can monitor progression of disease,

determine success or failure ater intervention, and identify

acceptable vessels for bypass grat creation.

Other extremity abnormalities can be evaluated sonographically.

Focal masses can be assessed to exclude vascular causes

such as aneurysm or istula with venous enlargement. When

chronic positional upper extremity symptoms are present,

ultrasound can evaluate for thoracic outlet syndrome. More

peripherally, Doppler can document patency of the palmar arch

in surgical planning for bypass grat harvesting, and it can assess

the radial artery before and ater vascular access.

In the acute setting, traumatic injuries can be evaluated to

determine adjacent arterial patency. Pseudoaneurysms and

dissections are visible by ultrasound in these patients. Speciic

levels of embolic disease can also be depicted.

Sonographic Examination Technique

Gray-scale evaluation of the peripheral arteries is important to

determine the amount of atherosclerotic disease or thrombus

present. he highest frequency transducer that allows good

penetration and visualization should be applied, typically a 5- to

12-MHz linear array transducer, with a higher frequency transducer

used in areas where the arteries are more supericial.

Occasionally, a 3- to 5-MHz sector or curved array probe

may be necessary in large patients or those with large amounts

of edema.

Occasionally, atherosclerotic plaque or thrombus is hypoechoic,

and color Doppler is extremely useful to evaluate residual lumen,

with the gain adjusted so color does not overlap into adjacent

tissues. he spectral Doppler gate is adjusted within the lumen

of the artery to allow adequate signal. he scale and gain should

be optimized to show strong low signals that use most of the

scale to display the waveform. Normally, a medium or high wall

ilter is used in arterial evaluation. If there is slow low, a low

wall ilter may be used to improve detection. In general, for

detection of small channels of slow low in areas of near-occlusion,

power Doppler may be more sensitive than color Doppler. 4

However, the advances in color Doppler may have reduced this

diference in recent years.

he components of the sonographic evaluation difer based

on the indication. For example, imaging for suspected arterial

stenosis or occlusion is very diferent from evaluation of a focal

mass or aneurysm. he technical components of the examination

have been recently described in the ACR practice parameters. 2

Stenosis Evaluation

Color and spectral Doppler imaging are key to stenosis evaluation,

using a combination of waveform morphology and velocity

characteristics. On gray-scale imaging, a focal stenosis or occlusion

may be visible, but this should be conirmed by Doppler. Collaterals

should also prompt additional attention with Doppler.

Any areas of visible narrowing or turbulent color Doppler signal

should be further characterized with spectral Doppler. A change

in spectral waveform morphology from one arterial segment to

the next should also be further evaluated with color and spectral

Doppler to locate a point of transition (Fig. 27.1). Spectral Doppler

should be performed in the longitudinal plane and should be

angle corrected 60% or less from the center beam. If a jet at or

downstream from a stenosis is seen, angle correction parallel to

the orientation of the jet should be performed to more accurately

measure peak systolic velocity (PSV). Using this technique,

waveform morphology and peak velocity should be evaluated

at any suspected area of stenosis, as well as the feeding vessel

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