Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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I-46 Index

Peritoneum (Continued)

tumors of, 510–514

carcinomatosis as, 510–511, 510f–515f

primary, 511–513, 515f–517f

pseudomyxoma peritonei as, 513–514, 518f

visceral, 504


abscesses and, 517, 520f

chemical, 514

deinition of, 514

ibrinous, 509f

granulomatous, 514

Histoplasma, 520f

infective, 517, 519f


CF and, 1316

cystic, pediatric, 1842–1843, 1846f

hydrops from, 1428, 1428f

liver calciications and, 1316–1318

massive ascites in, 1418–1419, 1421f

small bowel and, 1313, 1313t, 1314f

primary, 517

sclerosing, 514, 521, 523f

tuberculous, 517–521, 522f

Peritrigonal blush, in sagittal imaging of neonatal/

infant brain, 1517

Periumbilical hernias, 492, 494f, 500f

Perivascular inlammation, in acute pancreatitis,

224–225, 226f–227f

Periventricular cysts, of neonatal/infant brain,

1566, 1566f

Periventricular hemorrhagic infarction, in infants,


Periventricular leukomalacia (PVL)

cystic, 1551–1552, 1552f

from hypoxic-ischemic injury in premature

infant, 1541, 1550–1553, 1551f–1553f

IUFD and, 1124f

in neonatal/infant brain, 1541, 1550–1553,

1551f–1553f, 1566

Periventricular leukomalacia, IUFD and, 1124f

Periventricular nodular heterotopia, 1196, 1199f

Perlman syndrome

CDH and, 1263

hyperechogenic kidneys and, 1351

Peroneal arteries, 966

Peroneal tendons, posterior, injection of, 902, 903f

Peroneal veins, 981

Persistent terminal ventricle, pediatric, 1685

Persistent trophoblastic neoplasia (PTN), 1078,

1080–1084, 1082f

choriocarcinoma and, 1080–1082, 1083f

diagnosis and treatment of, 1083–1084

Doppler ultrasound for, 1083

ater hydatidiform molar pregnancy, 1080, 1081f

invasive mole, 1080, 1081f

PSTT and, 1082

sonographic features of, 1082–1083

Perthes disease, 1930

Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, 544, 826

Pfeifer syndrome

bilateral complete clet lip/palate in, 1156f

craniosynostosis in, 1136–1138

hypertelorism with exorbitism in, 1145f

midface hypoplasia in, 1148

PFFD. See Proximal focal femoral deiciency

PHACES syndrome, pediatric, 1655

Phalanx, middle, hypoplasia of, in trisomy 21, 1101

Pharyngeal pouches, 1651

Phase aberration, 13

Phase inversion, 62–63

Phase modulation imaging, 64, 65f

Phased array transducers

beam steering in, 10–11, 11f

use and operation of, 12

Phenylketonuria, microcephaly from, 1194


adrenal, 421, 422f

pediatric, 1826–1827, 1827f

percutaneous needle biopsy of, 607

bladder, 356

deinition of, 1826

lower urinary tract, pediatric, 1910–1912

PHI. See Prostate Health Index

Phlebectasia, IJV, 1658, 1660f

Phleboliths, in venous malformations of neck, 1657

Phlegmonous change, in Crohn’s disease, 274–275,


Phocomelia, deinition of, 1399

Phrygian cap, 194

Physics of ultrasound, 1. See also Acoustics;

Doppler ultrasound; Instrumentation

acoustics in, 2–7

Doppler ultrasound in, 21–30

HIFU in, 31–33, 33f

image display and storage in, 12–13

image quality in, 16–19

imaging pitfalls in, 19–21

instrumentation in, 7–12, 24–25, 25b, 25f–26f

operating modes and clinical implications in,


special imaging modes in, 13–16

Phytobezoars, 300

PI. See Pulsatility index

PICC. See Peripherally inserted central catheter

Picture archiving and communications system

(PACS), 12–13

PID. See Pelvic inlammatory disease

Pierre-Robin sequence

campomelic dysplasia and, 1395

clets of secondary palate in, 1153

micrognathia with, 1153, 1158f

Piezoelectricity, 7

Pilomatricoma, pediatric, neck and, 1664, 1664f

Pineal cyst, cavum veli interpositi cysts

diferentiated from, 1170

Pinworms, 1853

Pituitary gland, in menstrual cycle, 1050f

PKD1 gene, mutation in, in ADPKD, 1350

PKD2 gene, mutation in, in ADPKD, 1350

PKHD1 gene, mutation in, in ARPKD, 1348–1350


abruption of, 1471–1473, 1474f–1475f

fetal hydrops and, 1436

pediatric pregnancy and, 1884

accessory lobes of, 1480–1481, 1481f

battledore, 1484

bilobed, 1481, 1482f

circumvallate, 1479–1480, 1480f–1481f

cysts of, subchorionic, 1474, 1477f

development of, 1465–1469, 1466f

hydropic degeneration of, 1078

infarctions of, 1466, 1473–1474, 1476f–1477f

insertion of umbilical cord into, 1484, 1485f

low, 1469, 1470f

marginal sinus of, 1466, 1467f

masses of, 1474–1476

chorioangioma as, 1476, 1478f–1479f

malignant, 1476

mesenchymal dysplasia of, 1479, 1479f

in molar gestations, 1479, 1480f

morphologic abnormalities of, 1479–1481

in multifetal pregnancy, chorionicity and, 1119,


position of, sonographic determination of, 1469,


postpartum, 1487–1489, 1490f

RPOC and, 1487–1489, 1490f

size of, 1466–1467, 1467f–1468f

sonographic appearance of, 1466, 1467f

subamniotic hematomas of, 1474

subchorionic hematomas of, 1474

Placenta (Continued)

succenturiate lobes of, 1480–1481, 1481f

thickness of, 1466, 1467f

in third stage of labor, 1487

vascularity of, 1468f

Doppler ultrasound and, 1467–1469

vascularization of, 1052–1053

volume of

in irst trimester, in early pregnancy

evaluation, 1466–1467

second trimester, assessment of, 1466,


Placenta accreta, 1470–1471, 1472f–1473f

Placenta increta, 1470–1471

Placenta percreta, 1470–1471, 1473f

Placenta previa, 1469–1470

complete, 1469, 1470f

marginal, 1469, 1470f

placenta accreta with, 1471

Placental bed, subinvolution of, 556

Placental cord insertion, multifetal pregnancy and,

1119, 1122f

Placental lakes, 1466, 1467f

Placental shelf, 1479–1480

Placental villi, hydropic degeneration of, 1078,


Placental volume quotient, 1466–1467

Placental-site trophoblastic tumor (PSTT),

530–531, 1082

Placentation, multifetal pregnancy and, 1115–1116,


Placentomegaly, fetal, hydrops and, 1418, 1420f


nasal, 1134

spinal dysraphism and, pediatric, 1680

Plagiocephalic heads, 1136–1138

Plane-wave contrast imaging, 64

Plantar fasciitis, injection for, 902, 904f


in atherosclerosis, 433


atheromatous, 919

atherosclerotic rupture of, 919–920

calciied, 920–921, 921f

carotid artery dissection and, 946

characterization of, 919–922, 920f–922f, 922b

heterogenous, 920–921, 922f

homogenous, 920–921, 920f–921f, 936–937,


intraplaque hemorrhage and, 920–921

morphology of, ultrasound types of, 921, 922b

nonstenotic, 936–937, 938f

qualitative assessment of, in carotid stenosis,


tandem, in carotid stenosis, 923–924

types 1-4, 921, 922b

ulceration of, 923, 923b, 923f–924f

vulnerable, identiication of, treatment

decisions and, 943

Plasma protein A, pregnancy-associated,


Plasmacytoma, 827–829

Platelet-rich plasma, intratendinous injection of,



in skeletal dysplasias, 1382

in thanatophoric dysplasia, 1388–1389, 1390f

Plavix (clopidogrel), 598

PLCO (Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian

Cancer Screening Trial), 397

Pleomorphic adenomas, salivary gland, pediatric,

1636–1638, 1638f

Pleural disease, pediatric, pulmonary disease

diferentiated from, sonography in, 1709,


Pleural drainage, fetal, hydrops from, 1426–1427

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