Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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358 PART II Abdominal and Pelvic Sonography






FIG. 9.68 Complex Renal Cysts. (A) Tiny renal cyst (arrow) in the anterior cortex is not resolved. A bright echogenic focus with ring-down

artifact is the only visible abnormality. (B) Discernible cyst shows a bright echogenic focus with ring-down artifact. This echogenicity does not

represent calciication. (C) Complex benign cyst with a few thin septations. Ring-down artifact originates from the septations and the cyst wall.

(D) Complex cyst containing several thin septations. Septation was imperceptible at follow-up MRI. Septation is accentuated at ultrasound, and

Bosniak classiication is ultimately made based on features at MRI or CT. (E) Cyst shows numerous internal thick and thin septations. (F) Complex

cyst shows thick nodular septations. (G) Cyst containing thick, nodular septations. Lack of enhancement of septations at CT suggested a Bosniak

category 3 lesion, although a decrease in size of the mass at short follow-up imaging conirmed a hemorrhagic cyst. (H) Cyst with large solid

component post trauma. Real-time color Doppler examination conirmed that the solid component was mobile and avascular. Intracystic clot resolved

at follow-up sonography. (I) Large hemorrhagic cyst shows extensive internal debris within an otherwise simple-appearing cyst.

at the wall attachment, should be viewed with concern (Fig.

9.68E-G). Cyst aspiration is not indicated in these multiseptated

cystic lesions. 236 Ultrasound is oten better than CT in deining

the internal characteristics of a cystic lesion.

Calciication of renal cysts may be ine and linear or amorphous

and thick. hin wall or septal calciication suggests a

complicated cyst rather than malignancy, if all other features of

a benign cyst are shown at ultrasound, with no associated sot

tissue mass enhancement at CT. 237 hick, irregular, amorphous

calciication is more worrisome, however, and should prompt

additional assessment with CT. 237 On the other hand, layering

milk of calcium within a cyst is a benign inding. Mimicking

cyst wall calciication, the bright, echogenic foci with ring-down

artifact are frequently seen in septa and cyst walls at ultrasound

(Fig. 9.68A-C). hese foci are of no consequence, and no corresponding

calciication is shown at CT. hickened walls or mural

nodularity typically excludes a diagnosis of a benign cyst (Fig.

9.68E-H) although ultimate management is based on corresponding

features at CT/MRI and, in the appropriate clinical context

(e.g., fever, leukocytosis or trauma), imaging follow-up.

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