Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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I-6 Index


coeicient, 36

of sound energy, 5–7, 7f, 35

Atypical hips, pediatric, 1932, 1933f

Auditory response, in obstetric sonography, 1038

Auricular hillocks, 1134

Autoimmune cholangiopathy, 182

Autoimmune cholangitis, 182

Autoimmune pancreatitis, 236, 237f

Autoimmune vasculitis, Henoch-Schönlein

purpura and, 1853

Automated whole-breast ultrasound (ABUS),


Autopsy, in hydrops diagnosis, 1435

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

(ADPKD), 83, 243, 361, 362f, 1346,

1348–1350, 1349f–1350f

pediatric, 1814–1815, 1815f

Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease

(ARPKD), 359, 361f, 1799

pediatric, 1812–1813, 1814f

AV anastomoses. See Arterial venous


A-V canal. See Atrioventricular canal

A-V canal defects, 1284

AVB. See Atrioventricular block

AVFs. See Arteriovenous istulas

AVMs. See Arteriovenous malformations

AVSD. See Atrioventricular septal defect

Axial resolution, 16–19, 18f

Axillary artery, 975

Axillary vein, 990–991, 990f

Azimuth planes, 12f

Azimuth resolution, 19, 19f

Azoospermia, prostate and, 393

Azzopardi tumors, 824–825


Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG), 390, 390f

Backscatter, 3–4

CEUS increasing, 107, 111f

Doppler ultrasound and, 21–22, 23f, 35


pediatric infections from

cervical lymphadenopathy in, 1660–1663

parotid gland, 1632–1633, 1632f

thyroid, 1643–1645, 1645f

pyogenic, liver abscesses from, 85–86, 87f

pediatric, 1746–1747, 1751f

Bacterial epididymitis, 841, 843f

Baker cyst(s)

injection for, 907–909, 908f

ruptured, 870, 870f

ultrasound techniques for, 870, 870f

Ballottement, compression and, 768

Banana sign, in Chiari II malformation, 1183–

1185, 1184f

spina biida screening and, 1221, 1228,


Band, of frequencies, 7

Band heterotopia, 1196

Bandwidth, 7–8

Barbotage, 909

Bardet-Biedl syndrome, hyperechogenic kidneys

in, 1351

Bare area

of liver, 77

sign, as pleural luid sonographic sign, 1709,


Barlow test

with adduction, in dynamic examination

in coronal/lexion view, 1927

in transverse/lexion view, 1927

in determining hip stability, 1923

Basal cell nevus syndrome, 585

rhabdomyosarcoma associated with, 1908

Basal ganglia

fetal, normal sonographic appearance of, 1168

vasculopathy, neonatal/infant brain and,


Basilar artery, 951

Basilic vein, anatomy of, 990–991, 990f

Bat wing coniguration, in Chiari II malformation,

1526, 1527f

Battledore placenta, 1484

B-cell lymphoma, AKI and, 1796

BCG. See Bacille Calmette-Guérin

“Beads on a string” sign, 587–588

Beam steering, 10–11, 11f

Beam width, 35

Beare-Stevenson syndrome, craniosynostosis in,


Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome

adrenocortical neoplasms and, 1827

CDH and, 1263


hepatomegaly and, 1316

omphalocele and, 1325, 1327f

pancreatic cysts and, 1320

hepatoblastomas and, 1746

macroglossia in, 1153

megalencephaly associated with, 1194–1195

mesenchymal dysplasia of placenta in, 1479,


nesidioblastosis and, 1865

neuroblastoma with, pediatric, 1825

Wilms tumor screening with, 1818

Beemer-Langer syndrome, 1396

Behavioral changes, obstetric sonography and,


Bell-clapper deformity, 844, 844f

pediatric, 1325

Benign ductal ectasia, prostate and, 387, 388f

Benign follicular adenoma, 697

Benign mixed-cell tumors, 1638

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), 384,

385f–386f, 387–388

Bent-limb dysplasia, 1395

Beta angle, in hip joint classiication, 1924,


β-hCG. See Human chorionic gonadotropin


of gastrointestinal tract, 300

pediatric, 1840, 1841f

Biceps tendon, 878–879

dislocation of, 893

injection of, 904–905, 905f–906f

long head of, 879, 880f–881f

longitudinal split tear of, 893, 894f

pathology of, 892–893

tenosynovitis and, 892–893, 893f

ultrasound evaluation of, 880, 881f

Bicornuate uterus, 534, 536f–537f, 538, 1881,


Biid lamina, 1688

Biid scrotum, fetal, 1367

Bilateral hernias, 1262


calcium, milk of, 194, 195f


extrahepatic obstruction to, 1734

stasis of, stone formation and, 1741

leakage of, ater liver transplantation, 627–629,


limey, 194, 195f

Bile duct(s)

aberrant, 167, 168f

dilation of, in Caroli disease, 1736–1737, 1736f

drainage of, 614–615

interlobular, paucity of, jaundice from, 1737

ischemia of, from post-liver transplant hepatic

artery thrombosis, 628f

Bile duct(s) (Continued)

necrosis of, post-liver transplantation, bile leaks

from, 627

normal, 166–168, 166f

spontaneous rupture of, neonatal jaundice

caused by, 1734, 1737

strictures in, ater liver transplantation, 626–627,


Biliary atresia

extrahepatic, 1319

neonatal jaundice and, 1734–1735, 1737, 1738f

Biliary cirrhosis, 92–93, 182

pediatric, 1741

Biliary cystadenomas, 82, 83f

Biliary hamartomas, 83, 83f–84f

Biliary rhabdomyosarcoma, in pediatric liver, 1746,


Biliary sludge

acute pancreatitis and, 221

complicating liver transplantation, 629, 631f

gallbladder and, 194–195, 196f

Biliary system, fetal, 1318–1319

Biliary tree, 166–188. See also Cholangiocarcinoma

anatomy of, 166–168

ascariasis and, 181

autoimmune cholangitis and, 182

branching pattern of, 167, 167f

Caroli disease of, 171, 171f

cholangiocarcinoma and, 184–188

choledochal cysts of, 168–170, 169f–170f

choledocholithiasis in, 172–173, 182

common bile duct stones and, 173–174,


intrahepatic, 173, 173f

cirrhosis and, 182

clonorchiasis and, 178–179, 179f

dilation of, in acute cholangitis, 176

fascioliasis and, 176–178, 177f–178f

harmonic imaging of, 168, 169f

hemobilia and, 174, 175f

HIV cholangiopathy and, 181–182, 181f

immune-related diseases of, 182–184

infection of, 176–182

liver lukes and, 176–179, 177f–179f

ater liver transplantation

complications involving, 625–629, 1767–1768,


normal appearance of, 625

strictures in, 626–627, 627f–628f

metastases to, 188, 192f

Mirizzi syndrome and, 174, 174f

obstruction of

acute cholangitis and, 176, 177f

causes of, 172b

overview of, 171–172, 172f

opisthorchiasis and, 178–179

pneumobilia and, 175–176, 176f

primary sclerosing cholangitis and, 182, 183f,


recurrent pyogenic cholangitis and, 179–181,


sonographic technique for, 168, 169f

trauma to, hemobilia from, 174, 175f

variants of normal, 166–168

Bilobed placenta, 1481, 1482f

Bilobed testis, 1891

Biloma, ater liver transplantation, 638

Bioefects. See also Acoustic cavitation; hermal


acoustic cavitation and, 40–46


of diagnostic ultrasound with gas body

contrast agents, 43, 44b

in gas bodies, 45–46, 46b

safety statements of, general, 47, 47b

thermal, 40, 40b–41b

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