Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1366 PART IV Obstetric and Fetal Sonography



FIG. 39.39 Bladder Exstrophy. (A) Longitudinal scan of the lower fetal abdomen in a 29-week fetus shows an irregular mass on the anterior

abdominal wall (arrows), below the umbilical cord insertion (U). A luid-illed bladder was not identiied. Note normal amniotic luid volume. (B)

Corresponding photograph shows the exposed bladder (arrows) below the umbilical cord (U).



FIG. 39.40 Normal Genitalia. (A) Normal 19-week male fetus. Transverse scan of the perineum shows the penis and scrotum. (B) Normal

19-week female fetus. Transverse scan of the perineum shows the labial folds.

of bladder, imperforate anus, and spinal defects. Renal anomalies

and abnormalities of the lower limbs are oten present. 242,243


Normal Genitalia

Fetal sex determination has medical as well as social implications.

hese include (1) history of X-linked disorders, (2) assignment

of dizygosity in twin pregnancies, (3) exclusion of maternal cell

contamination during amniocentesis or chorionic villous sampling,

(4) need to conirm fetal gender to diagnose certain

structural abnormalities (e.g., posterior urethral valves, ovarian

cysts), and (5) familial syndromes in which genital abnormalities

are common.

In the second trimester, fetal sex determination is based on

direct visualization of the external genitalia: the penis and

scrotum in males, and the labia majora and minora, represented

by two or four parallel lines, respectively, in females (Fig. 39.40).

Inopportune fetal position, oligohydramnios, maternal obesity,

and operator inexperience represent the major limitations in

fetal gender assessment. Errors may occur when the rounded,

apposed labia are mistaken for a small, empty scrotum or when

the umbilical cord is mistaken for the penis. he accuracy of

fetal sex determination ranges from 92% to 100%. 244 When

conventional methods fail or in the setting of ambiguous genitalia,

fetal sex can be assigned by sonographic evaluation of the pelvic

organs in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. 245 It has

been reported that measurement of the distance between the

posterior wall of the fetal bladder and the anterior wall of the

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