Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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Index I-3

Adnexa (Continued)

transvaginal ultrasound for assessment of, 566

vascular abnormalities in, 589–590

ovarian vein thrombosis and thrombophlebitis

as, 589–590, 589f

pelvic congestion syndrome as, 590, 590f

vascularity of, 565–566, 565f

ADPKD. See Autosomal dominant polycystic

kidney disease

Adrenal ablation, 428

Adrenal cortex

carcinoma of, 424–425, 426f

functions of, 417

Adrenal gland(s)

anatomy of, 416–417, 417f

benign neoplasms of, 418–424

adenomas as, 418–420, 418b, 419f, 607

cysts as, 421–422, 422b, 423f

hemorrhage as, 422–424, 424f

management of, 428

myelolipomas as, 420–421, 420b, 420f

pheochromocytomas as, 421, 422f

rare, 427–428

calciication of, 423, 425f

causes of, 424b

cysts of, 421–422, 422b, 423f


congenital hyperplasia of, genitalia in,


masses in, 1353–1354, 1353f, 1353t

normal, 1353, 1353f

hemorrhage in, 422–424, 424f

ater liver transplantation, 638, 645f

histoplasmosis of, 423

hypertrophy of, 416–417

immunosuppression and, 423

infectious diseases of, 423–424, 425f

interventions for neoplasms of, 428–429

endoscopic ultrasound for, 428–429, 429f

intraoperative ultrasound for, 429

ultrasound-guided biopsy for, 428, 429f

let, 416–417, 417f

multiplanar scanning of, 418

malignant neoplasms of, 424–427

adrenocortical carcinomas as, 424–425, 426f

lymphomas as, 426–427, 427f

management of, 428

metastases as, 425–426, 426f–427f

rare, 427–428


adrenocortical neoplasms of, 1827, 1827f

carcinoma of, 1827, 1827f

congenital hyperplasia of, 1822–1824, 1824f,


hemorrhage into, neonatal, 1824–1825, 1825f

measurements of, in neonates, 1820–1821,


neuroblastoma and, 1825–1826, 1826f

normal anatomy of, 1820–1822, 1824f

pheochromocytoma and, 1826–1827, 1827f

sonography of, 1820–1827

percutaneous needle biopsy of, 606–607, 608f

physiology of, 416–417, 417f

right, 416–417, 417f

multiplanar scanning of, 417–418, 418f

sonographic imaging and technique for,

417–418, 418f

tuberculosis of, 423

Adrenal insuiciency, 426–427

Adrenal medulla, functions of, 417

Adrenal rests, testicular, 832–833, 833f, 1824

pediatric, 1900–1901

Adrenarche, pseudoprecocious puberty and, 1888

Adrenocortical neoplasms, pediatric, 1827, 1827f

Adson maneuver, 976–977

Aferent loop obstruction, mechanical bowel and,


AFI. See Amniotic luid index

Age. See Gestational age; Maternal age

Age, pediatric

kidney length and

comparison of, 1776–1778, 1777f

reference values for, 1776–1778, 1778t

with single functioning kidney, 1779t

kidney volume according to

reference values for, 1776–1778, 1778t

with single functioning kidney, 1779t

Agent detection imaging (ADI), 66

Agnathia, 1154, 1159f

Agyria, in lissencephaly, 1195

Aicardi syndrome

choroid plexus papillomas in, 1209

corpus callosum agenesis and, 1526–1528

AIDS. See Acquired immunodeiciency syndrome

AIDS cholangitis, 181

Air bronchograms, sonographic

in atelectatic lung, 1714, 1716f

in consolidated lung, 1711, 1714f–1715f

pneumonia and, 1702, 1703f, 1708f

round, 1712, 1715f

Air bubbles, encapsulated, as blood pool contrast

agents, 55–56, 55t

AIUM. See American Institute of Ultrasound in


AKI. See Acute kidney injury

Alagille syndrome, pediatric, 1737

ALARA, 31, 1041–1042

Albunex, 55–56

Aldosterone, secretion of, 417


in color Doppler ultrasound, 28, 29f, 966

high-velocity jets and, 933

in Doppler ultrasound, 29b, 32f

in pediatric abdominal vessel imaging, 1749

in pulsed Doppler ultrasound, 939, 939f

in renal artery duplex Doppler sonography,


Alkaline-encrusted pyelitis, 324–325

Allantois, 1059, 1337f, 1338

Allergy, milk, gastric mucosa thickening and,


Allograt nephropathy, chronic, 1810, 1812f

Alloimmune arteritis, ater pancreas

transplantation, 677

Alloimmune thrombocytopenia, intracranial

hemorrhage and, 1206

Alpha angle, in hip joint classiication, 1924,


Alpha-fetoprotein, maternal serum, 1117

elevated, causes of, 1226, 1226b, 1228

fetal abdominal wall defects and, 1322

gestational age compared to levels of, 1227f

spina biida screening and, 1221, 1226–1228,

1226b, 1227f

17-alpha hydroxy-progesterone caproate (17α-

OHPC), vaginal progesterone compared

to, 1507

Alport syndrome, CKD and, 1796–1798

Alternating current, 8

Ambient cistern, fetal, normal sonographic

appearance of, 1168

Amebiasis, hepatic, 87–88, 89f

in children, 1747–1748

Amebic liver abscesses, 613

Amelia, deinition of, 1399

Amenorrhea, primary, causes of, 1887

American College of Obstetricians and

Gynecologists (ACOG), 1107

American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine

(AIUM), 1041

on bioefects

of diagnostic ultrasound with gas body

contrast agents, 43, 44b

in gas bodies, 45–46, 46b

safety statements of, general, 47, 47b

thermal, 40, 40b–41b

hermal Index Working Group of, 38–40


diagnostic, in NTD screening, 1228

genetic, 1108–1109, 1108f

in multifetal pregnancy, 1125–1126

therapeutic, in fetal hydrops, 1436


chorion separation from, 1469, 1469f

early pregnancy failure and size of, 1066,


normal sonographic appearance of, 1057,


unfused, 1057

Amnion inclusion cyst, 1061

Amnionicity, in multifetal pregnancy, 1057, 1058f,

1115–1116, 1116f

sonographic determination of, 1117, 1119t

triplets and, 1122f

Amniotic band sequence

amputations caused by, 1401, 1403f

anencephaly diferentiated from, 1179

fetal brain and, 1180f, 1182–1183

terminal transverse limb defects and, 1400

Amniotic band syndrome, 1057

facial clets in, 1152–1153

fetal abdominal wall and, 1330, 1330f

Amniotic bands

circumvallate placenta confused with,


constrictive, 1182–1183

Amniotic cavity, formation of, 1051, 1052f

Amniotic luid

assessment of, 1339b

volume of, 1339–1340

Amniotic luid index (AFI), 1339

method for obtaining, 1340

values for, in normal pregnancy, 1341t

A-mode ultrasound, 9


evaluation of, power Doppler in, 935

modulation imaging, 64, 65f

Ampulla, 565

Amputations, from amniotic band sequence, 1401,


Amyand hernias, 472–473, 473f

Amyloidosis, renal failure in, 372

Anabolic steroid therapy, hepatic adenomas and,


Anal atresia, 1311

Anal canal, endosonography of, 302–307,

304f–307f, 306b

Anal dimple, 1311–1312, 1311f

fetal cloacal exstrophy and, 1328

Analgesia, TRUS-guided biopsy and,


Anaplastic carcinoma, of thyroid gland, 707–708,

708b, 709f

Anasarca, fetal, in hydrops, 1417, 1420f

Anastomotic pseudoaneurysms, 438

Anastomotic strictures, bladder augmentation and,


Anderson-Carr-Randall theory of stone

progression, 339, 1798–1799

Androblastoma, 585

Androgens, secretion of, 417

Anechoic cysts, 331

Volume I pp 1–1014 • Volume II pp 1015–1968

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