Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 19 The Thyroid Gland 727


FIG. 19.49 Lymphoma in Hashimoto Thyroiditis. Transverse image

of the left lobe shows diffuse hypoechoic enlargement caused by

lymphoma in a gland with Hashimoto thyroiditis. Tr, Tracheal air shadow.


FIG. 19.51 Hyperthyroidism: Graves Disease. (A) Transverse

dual image of the thyroid gland shows marked diffuse enlargement of

both thyroid lobes and the isthmus. The gland is diffusely hypoechoic.

(B) Transverse color Doppler image of the left lobe shows increased

vascularity, indicating an acute stage of the Graves disease process. Tr,


FIG. 19.50 Hashimoto Thyroiditis With Hyperplastic Enlarged

Lymph Nodes. Longitudinal image shows micronodularity of Hashimoto

thyroiditis and an enlarged lymph node (arrow) inferior to the lower pole.

enlargement usually occurs in the early phase, in some cases

followed by hypothyroidism of variable degree. In postpartum

thyroiditis the progression to hypothyroidism is more common.

In most cases the disease spontaneously remits within 3 to 6

months, and the gland may return to a normal appearance.

Although the appearance of difuse parenchymal inhomogeneity

and micronodularity is typical of Hashimoto thyroiditis, other

difuse thyroid diseases, most frequently multinodular or adenomatous

goiter, may have a similar sonographic appearance. Most

patients with adenomatous goiter have multiple discrete nodules

separated by otherwise normal-appearing thyroid parenchyma

(see Fig. 19.29); others have enlargement with rounding of the

poles of the gland, difuse parenchymal inhomogeneity, and no

recognizable normal tissue. Adenomatous goiter afects women

three times more oten than men.

Graves disease is a common difuse abnormality of the thyroid

gland and is usually biochemically characterized by hyperfunction

(thyrotoxicosis). he echotexture may be more inhomogeneous

than in difuse goiter, mainly because of numerous large, intraparenchymal

vessels. Furthermore, especially in young patients,

the parenchyma may be difusely hypoechoic because of the

extensive lymphocytic iniltration or the predominantly cellular

content of the parenchyma, which becomes almost devoid of

colloid substance. Color Doppler sonography oten demonstrates

a hypervascular pattern referred to as the thyroid inferno (Fig.

19.51). Spectral Doppler will oten demonstrate peak systolic

velocities exceeding 70 cm/sec, which is the highest velocity

found in thyroid disease. here is no correlation between the

degree of thyroid hyperfunction assessed by laboratory studies

and the extent of hypervascularity or blood low velocities.

Previous studies have shown that Doppler analysis can be used

to monitor therapeutic response in patients with Graves disease. 152

A signiicant decrease in low velocities in the superior and inferior

thyroid arteries ater medical treatment has been reported.

he rarest type of inlammatory thyroid disease is invasive

ibrous thyroiditis, also called Riedel struma. 146 his disease

primarily afects women and oten progresses to complete

destruction of the gland. Some cases may be associated with

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