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CHAPTER 18 Organ Transplantation 675



FIG. 18.60 Pancreas Transplant: Systemic Venous-Bladder Drainage (Traditional Surgery). (A) Donor portal vein (purple) is anastomosed

to the external iliac vein, and donor artery Y graft (coral arrow) to the external iliac artery. Duodenal stump (D) is anastomosed to the bladder (B).

(B) Sagittal sonogram shows duodenal stump anastomosed to the bladder (B). P, Pancreas.



FIG. 18.61 Pancreas Transplant: Portal Venous-Enteric Drainage (New Technique). (A) Donor portal vein (purple) is anastomosed to the

superior mesenteric vein (blue), and donor artery (arrow) is anastomosed to the common iliac artery. Duodenal stump (D) is anastomosed to a

Roux-en-Y (Y). (B) Transverse sonogram shows pancreas transplant (P) with luid-illed duodenal stump (D).

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