Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 39 The Fetal Urogenital Tract 1363

hypoperistalsis, and microcolon. Diferentiating this condition

from the more common posterior urethral valves is important

because MMIHS carries a dismal prognosis and fetal bladder

shunting is not indicated. he key distinguishing features are

(1) the amniotic luid is normal or increased; (2) the fetus is

usually female; and (3) very rarely, a dilated small bowel may

be present. 203 MRI is a useful adjunct for diagnosis; it can conirm

the presence of microcolon when an enlarged bladder is visualized

on ultrasound. 204 In fetuses with LUTO, an abnormal amniotic

luid digestive enzyme proile has shown a sensitivity of 80%

and a speciicity of 89% for MMIHS. 205 he precise genetic etiology

of this syndrome remains unclear. Most occurrences are sporadic,

and case reports of familial consanguineous cases have been

described, suggesting an autosomal recessive inheritance

model. 206,207 Recently, genetic advances in whole-exome sequencing

have allowed the identiication of mutations, such as ACTG2,

encoding smooth-muscle actin, which may be implicated in the

etiology of the disease. 208,209

Cloacal malformation is very rare, with an incidence of

1 : 50,000 births. It results from failure of migration and/or fusion

of the urorectal septum with the cloacal membrane. 210 his in

turn causes persistence of the cloaca and cloacal membrane and

failure of normal diferentiation of external genitalia. here is a

wide spectrum of abnormalities, with the most severe being

cloacal dysgenesis (in which there is no perineal opening). In

some cases, there is a single perineal opening that serves as the

outlet for urine, genital secretions, and meconium. Lower UT

abnormalities (relux, ureteral ectopia, duplication of bladder)

and genital abnormalities (duplication or atresia of uterus and

vagina) are common, as are abnormalities of the kidneys and

spine. Additional complications are related to obstruction of

the urinary, genital, and gastrointestinal tracts. he usual

sonographic presentation is that of LUTO in a female fetus (Fig.

39.37, Video 39.10). One or more cystic structures are seen arising

from the pelvis, and their appearance depends on the anatomy

involved. here may be a dilated bladder, with associated bilateral

hydroureter and hydronephrosis. A septate cystic mass may be

seen due to hydrocolpos and associated müllerian duct anomalies.

he distal bowel may be dilated. If there is a communication

between the distal bowel and the urinary system, a cystic mass

containing calciications (meconium mixed with urine) may be

seen 211 (see Fig. 39.37B). Oligohydramnios, and in some cases,

anhydramnios, may be present. Other sonographic indings

include ascites, ambiguous genitalia, and vertebral anomalies. 212

Prenatal sonographic diagnosis of cloacal malformation is challenging.

Fetal MRI is useful for assessment of the anorectal and

pelvic anatomy. It can clarify cloacal malformations with high

position of the distal bowel and a long common cloacal channel. 213

In Utero Intervention: Fetal Vesicoamniotic

Shunting and Cystoscopy

For a carefully selected group of fetuses with severe LUTO,

permanent in utero bladder drainage may be a therapeutic option.

he objective of vesicoamniotic shunting is to allow free drainage

of urine from the bladder into the amniotic cavity. his decompresses

the UT and should correct oligohydramnios, may theoretically

prevent or stabilize renal dysplastic change, and allows

unimpeded lung development. his approach assumes that renal

function has not already been destroyed. Careful selection of

suitable cases is critical, and the goal is oten the identiication

and rigorous evaluation of reliable predictors of postnatal renal

function. 33,214-221

A detailed sonographic evaluation of the fetus is a prerequisite,

to deine the probable cause and evaluate prognosis. Intervention

is not indicated if the ultrasound examination suggests either

MMIHS or cloacal dysgenesis or if the fetus is female, because

of their uniformly dismal prognosis.

Fine-needle aspiration under ultrasound guidance (vesicocentesis)

allows for fetal renal function, karyotype, and microarray

to be evaluated. 33,216-218 If the urine reaccumulates rapidly (which

itself may indicate function) and the other prognostic factors



FIG. 39.37 Cloacal Dysgenesis. (A) Transverse view of the pelvis in a 17-week fetus shows a large bladder (B) and (B) sagittal view of the

left side of the abdomen shows a cystic mass (arrow) superior to the bladder, representing a dilated bowel loop with intraluminal calciications

(meconium mixed with urine), indicating a urinary-bowel istula. See also Video 39.10.

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