Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 52 The Pediatric Urinary Tract and Adrenal Glands 1793


FIG. 52.25 Infected Urachal Cyst. (A) Longitudinal image shows a complex, lobulated mass (arrows) adjacent to the superior aspect of the

bladder (B). *, Free pelvic luid. (B) Transverse image of the mass depicts increased through transmission of sound (arrowheads) in keeping with

the luid nature of the lesion. (C) Color Doppler image depicts hyperemia at the periphery of the lesion indicative of its inlammatory nature.



FIG. 52.26 Acute Pyelonephritis in 2-Month-Old Girl. (A) Longitudinal image demonstrates a swollen, echogenic upper pole with loss of

normal corticomedullary differentiation (arrows). (B) Power Doppler sonography reveals markedly diminished blood low in this region.



FIG. 52.27 Thickening of the Renal Pelvic Wall. (A) and (B) Longitudinal and transverse images demonstrate thickening of the renal pelvic

wall (arrows), which can occur as a result of inlammation or relux, as well as after relief of obstruction.

may demonstrate a focal mass of variable echogenicity with

ill-deined borders. CT is considered a more sensitive and accurate

imaging modality for the diagnosis of acute lobar nephronia.

Afected patients have a more protracted clinical course than

those with acute pyelonephritis, and there is a higher incidence

of renal scarring. 75 If response to antibiotic therapy is inadequate,

the mass may liquefy centrally and become a renal abscess that

requires drainage. Sonography of an abscess shows a focal mass

with a hypoechoic central area representing liqueied pus

(Fig. 52.28).

Another potential complication of acute pyelonephritis that

requires drainage is pyonephrosis, which appears on sonography

as echogenic material illing a dilated collecting system

(Fig. 52.29).

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