Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 27 Peripheral Vessels 983

1. Transverse gray-scale image at rest and with compression, or

a cine clip of the compression maneuver, of the saphenofemoral

junction, CFV, FV (at minimum proximal and distal), and PV.

2. Longitudinal color Doppler with spectral waveform


a. CFV at the level of the saphenofemoral junction and distal

portions. If only a unilateral examination is requested, the

contralateral CFV is also evaluated.

b. PV at a minimum. Consider recording FV as well.

c. A separate compression image of the profunda femoris

vein at the bifurcation with the FV is not typically obtained,

but patency is evaluated on the longitudinal color and

spectral Doppler waveform of the CFV bifurcation into

the proximal FV and profunda femoris vein.

d. If a thrombus is seen in the CFV, the most proximal extent

of thrombus should be demonstrated with inclusion of

the external iliac veins and IVC in the evaluation.

e. Document additional musculoskeletal indings (such as

popliteal cyst, knee joint efusion, or hematoma if present

in the region being evaluated).

Acute Deep Venous Thrombosis

here are four indings of acute venous thrombosis: (1) intraluminal

material that is deformable during compression, (2)

dilation of the vein, (3) smooth intraluminal material, and (4)

free tail loating proximally from the attachment of the clot on

the vein wall. 85 he classic gray-scale indings of acute DVT

are noncompressibility of the vessel with direct visualization of

the thrombus. With complete acute vein thrombosis, the vein

will typically enlarge. hrombi may completely or partially

occlude the lumen, may be adherent to the wall, or may be

free loating (Fig. 27.26, Video 27.11). Compression ultrasound

for DVT has been shown to have 95% accuracy with 98%

speciicity. 86





FIG. 27.26 Acute Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT). (A) Acute common femoral vein (CFV) thrombus: Compression image in the transverse

plane shows acute CFV thrombus. Note that the vein (arrows) is larger than the adjacent artery (A). (B) Longitudinal color Doppler image in the

same patient shows acute nearly occlusive common femoral vein thrombus with little low. See also Video 27.11. (C) Longitudinal image of acute

DVT in the profunda femoris vein (*), with nonocclusive extension into the CFV (arrow), and a small amount of thrombus in the femoral vein as

well. (D) Transverse color image of acute popliteal vein DVT, with expansion of the vein (arrow) relative to the popliteal artery (A).

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