Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1406 PART IV Obstetric and Fetal Sonography









FIG. 40.36 Collage of Hand and Foot Anomalies. (A) Talipes equinovarus (clubfoot). Inverted plantar lexion with medial deviation of the

foot results in visualization of the long axis of the foot (metatarsals) and lower leg in the same plane. Note the rounded angle between the foot

and lower leg. (B) Rocker-bottom foot. Convex sole contour and rounded soft tissue protrusion posterior to the calf soft tissues. (C) Toe polydactyly,

six digits. (D) Oligodactyly, three digits. (E) Syndactyly. Soft tissue fusion of the irst and second digits. (F) Sandal toes in a 37-week fetus with

Nager syndrome demonstrates an exaggerated gap between the irst and second toes and a plantar skin furrow. (G) Clinodactyly. Hypoplastic

middle phalanx of ifth digit. (H) Ectrodactyly, or split hand or foot deformity. (C and E courtesy of Ants Toi, MD, University of Toronto; D and H

courtesy of Shia Salem, MD, University of Toronto.)

such as Fanconi syndrome, Holt-Oram syndrome, acrocephalosyndactyly,

and conditions associated with triphalangeal

thumb. 73 Central polydactyly can also occur.

Syndactyly refers to sot tissue and/or osseous fusion of digits

(Fig. 40.36E). Syndactyly of the third and fourth ingers in

association with IUGR in the second trimester suggests the

diagnosis of triploidy.

An abducted, low-set thumb, or hitchhiker thumb (see Fig.

40.25), is associated with diastrophic dwarism. An adducted

thumb may be associated with aqueductal stenosis.

Ectrodactyly, or the split hand or foot “lobster claw”

deformity, is a deiciency of the central digits resulting in a clet.

It can occur as an isolated abnormality or in association with

other indings, such as clet lip and/or palate, as in

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