Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1326 PART IV Obstetric and Fetal Sonography





FIG. 38.30 Small Omphalocele. (A) Schematic of membrane covered omphalocele containing only bowel. (B) Transverse image of abdomen

with loop of bowel herniated into base of umbilical cord. The fetus had trisomy 18. (C) Transverse image of abdomen at 26 weeks shows a

bowel-only omphalocele (arrow). The umbilical cord (arrowheads) inserts onto the membrane, which covers the defect. Sp, Spine. (D) Transverse

color Doppler image at 26 weeks shows a bowel-only omphalocele (arrow). The umbilical vessels (arrowheads) course around the bowel, in the

membrane that covers the defect. Sp, Spine. See also Video 38.13.

gastroschisis, fetal weight estimation should be done using

formulas that are based on indices of fetal head and femur length

but not abdominal circumference to avoid underestimation of

fetal weight. 224

here is no evidence that early delivery or cesarean delivery

are associated with improved outcomes. 225 herefore vaginal

delivery following spontaneous onset of labor should be preferred

unless other indications are present for induction of labor or

cesarean delivery. Neonatal outcome is mainly determined by

the presence of associated genetic and/or structural

anomalies. 191,218

Bladder Exstrophy

Bladder exstrophy refers to infraumbilical abdominal wall

defect that results from incomplete closure of the lower

abdominal wall and the anterior wall of the bladder. 226 It is a

rare abdominal wall defect with an incidence of about 1 of 30,000

births. 227

he prenatal diagnosis of bladder exstrophy is mainly based

on the inability to visualize the bladder. he exposed bladder

mucosa may become inlamed and thickened and may therefore

appear as an irregular contour of the lower anterior abdominal

wall (Video 38.14). 228 Another clue for the diagnosis is caudal

displacement of the umbilical cord insertion site (Fig. 38.33).

Associated anomalies include genital abnormalities such as

epispadias, a combination known as bladder exstrophy–

epispadias complex. 226

Neonatal survival is overall good, although the repair of these

defects is complex, oten requiring staged procedures, to maintain

continence and functional genital tissue. 229,230

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