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1126 PART IV Obstetric and Fetal Sonography



FIG. 32.12 Early Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome; Stage I. (A) and (B) Monochorionic twins at 16 weeks’ gestational age. A discrepancy

in abdominal diameters is apparent. The smaller twin on the maternal left (L) has much less amniotic luid than the larger twin on the maternal

right (R). The very thin separating amnion is visible between the twins (arrowhead). See also Video 32.7.



FIG. 32.13 Twin-Twin Transfusion; Stuck Twin. (A) and (B) Monochorionic twins at 16 weeks’ gestational age. One twin (O) is “stuck” to

the anterior uterine wall as a result of severe oligohydramnios. Its twin (P) is far posterior, freely moving in a large amount of amniotic luid. The

membrane (arrowhead) is barely visible surrounding a tiny amount of echogenic amniotic luid between the legs of the “stuck” twin.

polyhydramnios (Fig. 32.13). In addition to luid discrepancies,

indings can include growth discordance (>20% diference in

estimated fetal weight, with the donor smaller than the recipient),

growth restriction of the donor, and cardiomegaly caused by

volume overload in the recipient. 80 Untreated, approximately

three-quarters of stage I fetuses remain stable or regress, whereas

the perinatal loss rate for stage III or higher is between 70% and

100%. 52 A treatment option for TTTS is fetoscopic laser surgery

performed at specialized centers worldwide; a less invasive

alternative is serial amniocentesis to equalize luid volumes and

decrease the risk of preterm labor. 82,83

Twin Anemia Polycythemia Sequence

he twin anemia polycythemia sequence (TAPS) was irst

described in 2007 by Lopriore et al., who presented two cases

of presumed TTTS without associated amniotic luid

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