Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1566 PART V Pediatric Sonography


FIG. 45.64 Choroid Plexus Cysts. (A)-(C) Sagittal sonograms show varying sizes of cysts. Normal vascularity of the choroid plexus and

avascularity of the cyst are demonstrated.





Periventricular cysts




Subependymal Cysts

Subependymal cysts are discrete cysts in the lining of the ventricles

(Fig. 45.66). hese cysts most oten result from the sequelae of

GMH in premature infants. 229 Other causes include infection,

including CMV and rubella, and the rare cerebrohepatorenal

(Zellweger) syndrome. 61,84 Subependymal cysts can also be an

isolated inding with no apparent predisposing event. Cocaine

exposure has been reported to increase the incidence of subependymal

cysts in premature infants. 230



Periventricular Leukomalacia

Periventricular cysts also result from PVL (see Fig. 45.50).

hese cysts develop lateral to and above the entire lateral

ventricle, typically above the frontal horn and body of the


FIG. 45.65 Periventricular Cysts. These cysts include the normalvariant

frontal horn cyst (FC), the subependymal cyst (SC), cystic periventricular

leukomalacia (PVL), and porencephalic cysts that communicate

directly with the ventricle, caused by intraparenchymal hemorrhage or

infection (cerebritis).

Supratentorial Periventricular

Cystic Lesions

Many periventricular cysts are found in and around the normal

ventricles (Fig. 45.65).

Frontal Horn Cysts

he frontal horn cysts that are attached directly lateral to the

frontal horn have also been called coarctation of the lateral

ventricles and connatal cysts 40 (see Fig. 45.14A). Although these

frontal horn cysts were previously thought to be postischemic,

it is now believed that they form as a normal variant anterior

to the foramen of Monro. he ventricle seems to have folded on

itself, causing the wall to lie against the frontal horn.

Galenic Venous Malformations

Galenic venous malformations are frequently referred to as “vein

of Galen aneurysms,” but this is a misnomer because these are

not true aneurysms. hese abnormalities actually represent

dilation of the vein of Galen caused by a vascular malformation

that is fed by large arteries of the anterior or posterior cerebral

artery circulation. 231 Infants with large shunts usually are presented

in the irst month of life with congestive heart failure. In later

childhood, smaller shunts manifest with seizure, cranial bruit,

hydrocephalus, and cardiomegaly.

Sonographically, a galenic venous malformation appears as

an anechoic cystic mass between the lateral ventricles (Fig. 45.67).

It lies posterior to the foramen of Monro, superior to the third

ventricle, and primarily in the midline. hese malformations are

diferentiated from other cystic masses by identiication of a

large feeding vessel. Spectral or color Doppler sonography can

be used to identify blood low illing the mass, thus conirming

the diagnosis. Hydrocephalus may or may not be present.

Calciication may occur, especially if there is thrombosis in the

malformation. 232 MRI and magnetic resonance angiography may

be valuable in planning treatment. 233,234

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