Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 34 The Fetal Brain 1205





FIG. 34.32 Fetal Infection. (A) and (B) CMV infection shows enlarged ventricles with marked periventricular echogenicity (arrow) and small

smooth brain (lissencephaly) (arrowheads). (B) Note calciication in the basal ganglia (lines), small smooth brain (arrow), and cortical cyst (c). (C)

and (D) Zika infection. (C) Parasagittal transvaginal view of the fetal brain shows calciications at the gray-white interface and in the basal ganglia

(arrows). (D) Oblique coronal view shows blood (arrow) posterior to the cerebellum in the region of the conluence of sinuses. (A and B courtesy

of Dr. K. Fong, Mt. Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario. C and D Reproduced with permission from Soares de Oliveira-Szejnfeld P, Levine D, Melo AS

et al. Congenital brain abnormalities and Zika virus: what the radiologist can expect to see prenatally and postnally. Radiology.

2016;281[1]:203-218. 197 )

in heart failure. Treatment is with embolization early ater

delivery. 241

Dural sinus malformations are congenital vascular malformations,

characterized by massive dilation of one or more dural

sinuses, which usually appear postnatally but can occur prenatally

as early as 19 weeks. here may be associated thrombus or

arteriovenous istula. Color Doppler may be helpful, but in some

the low is too slow to create a signal. hese malformations can

regress prenatally or progress to cause brain damage, hemorrhage,

or heart failure. Evaluation includes detailed ultrasound and

MRI. Treatment is with embolization, but only 10% have normal

outcomes. 241,242,244

Thrombosis of Dural Sinuses

Dural sinus thrombosis can be idiopathic (40%), but cases can

be seen with hypercoagulable states such as trauma, infection,

polycythemia, and deiciency of physiologic anticoagulants (e.g.,

antithrombin protein C, protein S, factor V Leiden). Ultrasound

typically reveals an echogenic mass (the thrombus) surrounded

by a hypoechogenic area in the region of the venous sinuses,

generally near the torcula and associated with absence of low

(Fig. 34.34). he more proximal sinuses may be dilated and the

brain compressed. Many dural thromboses are initially misdiagnosed

as tumors or subdural bleed. Most cases are found in

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