Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1646 PART V Pediatric Sonography

Graves disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism

in children. It is an autoimmune disease caused by thyroidstimulated

immunoglobulin binding to the thyroid-stimulating

hormone (TSH) receptor, increasing the production of thyroid

hormone. here is frequently a family history. It is more common

in girls (5 : 1 female-to-male ratio) and has a peak incidence in

adolescence, ages 11 to 15 years. 87,88 Diagnosis is usually clinical;

children have an enlarged thyroid gland, exophthalmos, and

hyperthyroidism. Fetuses and neonates born to mothers with

Graves disease are also at risk for transient thyroid dysfunction

and goiter because of transfer of thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulins.

88,103 During ultrasound examination, patients with

Graves disease demonstrate difuse enlargement of the thyroid

gland, which appears heterogeneous and difusely hypoechoic.

Doppler imaging demonstrates intense hypervascularity, also

known as “thyroid inferno” 90 (Fig. 48.31). Doppler waveform

shows increased peak systolic velocity and decreased RI. 106

Thyroid Masses

hyroid nodules in pediatrics are uncommon, with an incidence

of 1.5%. 107 Children with an asymptomatic palpable nodule

typically have normal thyroid function. 108 In a child or adolescent,

a solitary nodule should be approached with suspicion because

FIG. 48.30 Hashimoto Thyroiditis. Thyroid imaging with color

Doppler shows coarse heterogeneous pattern with multiple hypoechoic

micronodular areas, and mildly increased vascularity.

there is a 33% risk of malignancy. 103 Ultrasound and radionuclide

scintigraphy are the primary methods of imaging thyroid nodules.

Fine-needle aspiration (FNA), especially with ultrasound guidance,

may be helpful and has 80% to 95% accuracy for deining pathology

in pediatric patients. 107-109 If FNA is not diagnostic, surgical

excision may be required. 83 On sagittal imaging, the cricoid can

appear as a round or oval mass, similar in echotexture to the

normal thyroid and posteromedial to the gland. 110 A pseudonodule

of the thyroid can be produced by uncalciied cricoid


During ultrasound inspection, color Doppler low imaging

may be helpful to evaluate for injury to adjacent vessels. 111

hyroid cysts are the most common incidentally detected

thyroid lesions in children. 112 hese cysts are rarely true epitheliallined

cysts, usually degenerative because of necrosis within benign

thyroid nodules. Most of these lesions are complex with mixed

echotexture, thick irregular walls, septations, and in some cases,

luid-luid levels from previous hemorrhage. Bright, echogenic

internal areas result from colloid material, sometimes creating

comet-tail artifacts 84,87 (Fig. 48.32). Calciications in degenerative

lesions may create echogenic foci of acoustic shadowing or

peripheral eggshell calciications. Doppler sonography typically

shows peripheral vascularity, and nuclear medicine studies

demonstrate variable uptake.

Although uncommon, hemorrhage within the thyroid, related

to direct or indirect trauma, can mimic a nodule. he hematoma

on sonography typically appears heterogeneous and hypoechoic

(Fig. 48.33). Many of these masses contain cystic areas resulting

from hemorrhage or necrosis. Nuclear medicine studies show

variable uptake, with some follicular adenomas demonstrating

intense activity. Because malignancy may appear as a cystic mass,

close follow-up imaging and surgical diagnosis are typically

indicated. 103,113

Follicular adenomas, the most common benign lesions of

the thyroid, arise from an overproliferation of follicular cells

(hyperplasia). 90,107 Lesions may be solitary or multinodular, are

round and well deined, and have decreased, increased, or

honeycomb echotexture. About 60% of adenomas demonstrate

a peripheral, 1- to 2-mm hypoechoic halo caused by a ibrous

capsule and peripheral blood vessels best delineated with color

Doppler sonography 90 (Fig. 48.34). Despite benign imaging



FIG. 48.31 Graves Disease. (A) Thyroid is diffusely enlarged and heterogeneously hypoechoic. (B) Color Doppler ultrasound demonstrates

“thyroid inferno.”

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