Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 16 The Adnexa 587



FIG. 16.23 Hydrosalpinx. TVS images show tubular luid-illed structures with sonographic characteristics of the fallopian tube. (A) Incomplete

septation related to the folding of the tube (arrows). (B) A waist sign also associated with tubal folds (arrows) and endosalpingeal folds forming

surface nodularities. See also Videos 16.9 and 16.10.

abnormalities of the fallopian tube are rare. Abnormalities of

the tube include pregnancy, infection, torsion, and neoplasm as

well as scarring and obstruction due to other causes.

Pelvic Inlammatory Disease

PID is a common condition that is increasing in frequency. It

consists of inlammation of the endometrium, fallopian tubes,

pelvic peritoneum, and adjacent structures. Typically, the primary

infection is a sexually transmitted disease most oten associated

with gonorrhea and chlamydia, although with previous disruption

of endometrial and tubal tissue due to prior infection, or postsurgical

or postpartum changes, the patient can be infected by her

own vaginal lora. he infection typically spreads by ascent from

the cervix and endometrium. he disease is manifested by tuboovarian

complexes, peritonitis, and abscess formation and is

usually bilateral. Long-term sequelae include chronic pelvic pain,

infertility, and increased risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Less common causes include direct extension from appendiceal,

diverticular, or postsurgical abscesses that have ruptured into

the pelvis, as well as puerperal and postabortion complications.

Hematogenous spread is rare but can occur from tuberculosis.

When caused by direct extension of an adjacent inlammatory

process, it is most oten unilateral. he presence of an intrauterine

device (IUD) increases the risk of PID, although only during a

period of a few weeks following its placement. PID may be

unilateral in patients with IUDs.

Patients usually present clinically with pain, fever, cervical

motion tenderness, and vaginal discharge. A pelvic mass may

be palpated. TVS with color or power Doppler is highly speciic

in the diagnosis of the disease process. 185 However, because the

success of the technique is dependent on the level of operator

expertise and also because early changes can be subtle, TVS

usually only detects complications of the disease. he sonographic

indings may be normal early in the course of PID. 186 Increased

echogenicity of peritoneal fat and indistinctness of the uterus

may be seen early in the disease process but may be diicult to

appreciate. Sonographic indings of the fallopian tubes are the

most speciic and conspicuous indicators of PID (Table 16.2).

TABLE 16.2 Sonographic Findings of

Pelvic Inlammatory Disease


Purulent material

in cul-de-sac








Endometrial thickening

Intracavitary luid

Fluid containing low-level echoes

Enlarged ovaries with multiple cysts

and indistinct margins

Fluid-illed fallopian tube with

(pyosalpinx) or without (hydrosalpinx)

internal echoes

Increased echogenicity of peritoneal


Indistinctness of the uterus

Fusion of inlamed, luid-distended

tube and ovary

Multiloculated mass with variable

septations, irregular margins, and

low-level internal echoes

When imaging a normal appearing fallopian tube, hypervascularity

with color Doppler low within the tubal wall is a valuable

early inding. As the disease progresses, a spectrum of indings

may occur (Fig. 16.24). With inlammation, the tube swells and

endosalpingeal folds thicken. With progressive inlammation and

distal occlusion of the lumen, the tube ills with purulent echogenic

luid, becoming a pyosalpinx. In the presence of a luid-distended

fallopian tube, common indings include wall thickness greater

than 5 mm, incomplete septa seen as the tube folds back on

itself, and thickening of endosalpingeal folds (cogwheel sign). 187,188

Color or power Doppler allows for detection of hyperemia

in the walls and incomplete septi associated with fallopian tube

inlammation (Fig. 16.24B). 189 On TAS, dilated tubes appear as

complex, predominantly cystic masses that are oten indistinguishable

from other adnexal masses. However, TVS allows for

depiction of the luid-illed tube with a tubular shape, somewhat

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