Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 11 The Adrenal Glands 419





FIG. 11.5 Adrenal Adenoma. (A) Sagittal and (B) transverse sonograms show a hyperechoic right adrenal mass (arrow) between the liver

and upper pole of the right kidney. (C) MRI demonstrates diffuse loss of signal on out-of-phase imaging conirming the presence of intravoxel

fat and the diagnosis of adenoma (arrow). See also Videos 11.2 and 11.3. (D) In another patient, sagittal sonogram shows a small solid right adrenal


Nonfunctioning adenomas are more common than functioning

adenomas and are oten larger in size by the time of diagnosis

as patients are asymptomatic. MRI evaluation to determine

intracellular lipid content or contrast-enhanced CT to ascertain

physiologic washout characteristics is helpful in characterizing


Although adenomas can grow, progressive or rapid interval

increase in size may suggest underlying malignancy or collision

tumor, where a malignant lesion arises within an adenoma. 14 In

this context, further imaging and possibly histologic evaluation

is warranted. 18-Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography

( 18 FDG-PET) CT has been found to be useful in diferentiating

a collision tumor from an adenoma. 15

Functioning adrenal adenomas are oten diagnosed earlier,

and with a smaller size, than nonfunctioning adenomas given

the clinical manifestations of the tumor. For example, Cushing

syndrome occurs with excessive glucocorticoid levels. Clinical

symptoms include increased weight gain, fat redistribution with

increased abdominal fat, characteristic bufalo hump and moon

facies, and decreased fat deposition in the extremities. Cushing

syndrome is most oten encountered secondarily in the setting

of chronic steroid use. Primary Cushing syndrome caused by

hyperfunctioning adrenal lesions account for about 15% to 20%

of cases, with adenomas, adenomas within a myelolipoma,

adenomas of uncertain malignant potential, and adrenal carcinomas

accounting for 92% of cases. 16 Unilateral disease is most common

and 70% of cases occur as a result of adrenal hyperplasia. 17 In

contradistinction, Cushing disease is hypercortisolism secondary

to a primary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)–producing

pituitary tumor. he two can be diferentiated via biochemical

analysis. An autonomously cortisol secreting adrenal lesion would

yield low serum ACTH as well as elevated plasma cortisol unsuppressed

by low dose dexamethasone test. 18

Conn syndrome results from oversecretion of aldosterone. 19

Primary aldosteronism can result from adrenal adenoma (70%),

adrenal hyperplasia (30%), and, in rare cases, adrenal carcinoma. 20

Clinical manifestations include hypertension and hypokalemia.

Patients with hyperaldosteronism from an adenoma typically

are female, whereas those with hyperaldosteronism from hyperplasia

are usually male. 21,22 hese tumors tend to be small (<2 cm).

Biochemically, elevated urine and serum aldosterone levels,

hypokalemia, hypernatremia, and elevated bicarbonate and low

plasma pH levels are found. A suppressed renin level indicates

primary hyperaldosteronism.

Adrenal vein sampling can be performed to determine

whether there is hypersecretion from the adrenal gland. Laparoscopic

adrenalectomy and radiofrequency ablation are the

treatments for hyperfunctioning adenomas. 23,24

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