Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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Index I-27


abnormalities of, in lissencephaly, 1195

development of, 1167

normal sonographic appearance of, 1169, 1171f


HAART. See Highly active antiretroviral therapy

Haglund deformity, 903f


biliary, 83, 83f–84f

dysraphic, 1682

fetal renal, 1818–1820

hypothalamic, precocious puberty and, 1887

pediatric, mesenchymal, 1744

splenic, 153–156, 156f

testicular, 829, 829f

in TSC, 1200f

Hamstring tendon, injection of, 905–907,


Handedness, obstetric sonography and, 1040

Hand(s). See also Clubhand

clenched, in trisomy 18, 1103, 1103f


amputation of, in amniotic band sequence,


deformities of, 1404–1407

in skeletal dysplasia, 1382

injection of, 901

supericial peritendinous and periarticular,

904, 905f

persistent clenched, 1404

“trident” coniguration of, achondroplasia and,

1407, 1408f

Harmonic imaging

of biliary tree, 168, 169f

B-mode, 60

contrast agents with, 58–64

spectral and power mode Doppler, 60–61,


tissue, 13, 13f–14f, 38, 61–62

Harmonic power angio, 66

Harmonics, generation of, 13, 13f

Hartmann pouch, 188

Hashimoto thyroiditis, 724, 725f–727f

fetal goiter in, 1159–1163

pediatric, 1645, 1646f

HCB. See Hypertrophied column of Bertin

HCC. See Hepatocellular carcinoma

hCG. See Human chorionic gonadotropin

Head, fetal

abnormalities of, 1135–1140

craniosynostosis and, 1136–1139, 1137f–1138f

in shape, 1136–1139, 1137f

in size, 1135–1136

wormian bones as, 1139, 1139b, 1139f

circumference of

in gestational age determination, 1446–1447,

1447f–1448f, 1448t

in second-trimester, 1023f

measurements of, in gestational age

determination, 1446–1448, 1447f–1448f,


oblong, 1136–1138

sonographic views of, 1021, 1024f

Head, pediatric, lesions of, 1961, 1966f

Headaches, pediatric TCD sonography for,

1610–1611, 1612f

Healing response, impaired, injectable steroid

complications with, 901

Heart. See also Congenital heart disease

congenital defects of

thickened NT in, 1095–1097, 1096f

in trisomy 18, 1103

in trisomy 21, 1097, 1098f

Heart (Continued)

disease of

carotid low waveforms and, 936–937, 936f

CDH and, 1263

ischemic, 433

in Miller-Dieker syndrome, 1195

early pregnancy failure and absence of beating,

1063, 1064f

echogenic focus in, in trisomy 21, 1100f, 1101


activity of, normal sonographic appearance of,

1058–1059, 1060f

beating of, in gestational age determination,

1445, 1445f, 1446t

embryos with CRL less than 7mm and no

beating, 1064

rate, TCD sonography velocity evaluation and,


Heart, fetal. See also Echocardiography, fetal

arrhythmias of, 1295–1297

bradycardia as, 1297, 1297f

CHD and, 1270–1273

congenital heart block as, 1297, 1297f

hydrops from, 1424, 1425f

PACs and PVCs as, 1295–1296

tachycardia as, 1296–1297, 1296f

atrioventricular valves of, 1274–1275

axis of, 1245

abnormal, mortality rate with, 1273

dimensions of, 1276f

disease of, congenital

recurrence risks in ofspring for, 1273t

recurrence risks in siblings for, 1273t

risk factors associated with, 1271t–1272t

dysfunction of, from Ebstein anomaly, 1286

failure of, in sacrococcygeal teratoma,


malformations of, with AVSD, 1285–1286

normal anatomy of, 1273–1277

position of, 1245

abnormal, mortality rate with, 1273

routine sonographic views of, 1021, 1025f

scanning techniques for, 1273–1277

four-chamber view of, 1273–1275, 1277f

situs of, 1245

structural anomalies of, 1277–1295

aortic stenosis as, 1292

APVR as, 1290, 1291f

ASD as, 1277–1280, 1282f–1283f

AVSD as, 1284–1286, 1284f–1285f

cardiac tumors as, 1293–1294,


cardiomyopathy as, 1295f

cardiosplenic syndrome as, 1292–1293, 1293b

coarctation of aorta as, 1291, 1292f

DORV as, 1288–1289, 1289f

Ebstein anomaly as, 1286–1287, 1286f

ectopia cordis as, 1295, 1296f, 1329

hydrops from, 1423–1424

hypoplastic let heart syndrome as, 1287,


hypoplastic right ventricle as, 1287, 1287f

pentalogy of Cantrell and, 1329

pulmonic stenosis as, 1292

TGA as, 1289–1290, 1289f–1290f

TOF as, 1288, 1288f

truncus arteriosus as, 1288, 1289f

univentricular heart as, 1287–1288, 1287f

VSDs as, 1281–1284, 1283f–1284f

tumor of, 1293–1294, 1293f–1294f

hydrops from, 1424

ultrasound assessment of

color Doppler, 1275–1277, 1282f

spectral Doppler, 1275, 1281f

Heart, fetal (Continued)

three-dimensional and four-dimensional,


univentricular, 1287–1288, 1287f

valves of, morphology of, 1285f

valvular stenosis of, 1275–1277

ventricles of, short-axis view of, 1275, 1278f

Heart block, fetal

complete, hydrops from, 1423–1424

congenital, 1297, 1297f

hydrops from, 1425


of bone, 37, 37f, 37t

of sot tissue, 37–38, 37f

Heerfordt disease, chronic pediatric sialadenitis in,


Height, pediatric, kidney length compared to,

1776–1778, 1777f

Hemangioblastoma, intracranial, fetal, 1208


epithelioid, hepatic, 123–124

infantile, 1319f

liver and, 1743–1744, 1745f



fetal, 1294

in infants, 1293


of bladder, 356

CEUS characterization of, 111, 113f

Doppler ultrasound characterization of,


of liver, 108–112, 112f–113f

percutaneous needle biopsy of, 603–604, 604f

characterization of, with microbubble contrast

agents, 106, 106f–107f, 108t

cutaneous rapidly involuting cogenital,


dacryocystocele diferentiated from, 1143


cardiac, 1294

face, 1154, 1160f

of liver, 1319f


of neck, 1655, 1656f

parotid gland, 1636, 1637f

tethered cord and, 1679

intraspinal, pediatric, 1689–1691

paratesticular, 1903–1904


gastrointestinal, 1862, 1864f

liver and, 1742–1743, 1744f

sclerosis of, 112

segmental, tethered cord and, 1679

splenic, 148, 153–157, 156f

subcutaneous, spinal canal and, 1697, 1697f

umbilical cord, 1483


renal, 356

splenic lesions in, 153

Hemangiosarcoma, of liver, 123

Hematoceles, scrotal, 835f, 836

pediatric, 1902


in AVF for hemodialysis, 1002–1003, 1005f

bladder augmentation and, 1912–1913

bladder lap, cesarean sections and, 556–557,


duodenal, pediatric, 1842, 1845f

epidural, neonatal/infant, 1557

of gastrointestinal tract, 299

intestinal, small bowel obstruction from, 1843

intraparenchymal, 638

ater liver transplantation, 638, 644f

Volume I pp 1–1014 • Volume II pp 1015–1968

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