Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 22 The Scrotum 825





FIG. 22.6 Nonseminomatous Germ Cell Tumor: Spectrum of Appearances. (A) and (B) Mixed germ cell tumor. (A) Longitudinal scan

shows a large tumor with cystic changes occupying most of the testis and invading the tunica (arrow). (B) Transverse scan shows a heterogeneous,

mixed germ cell tumor that has 85% teratoma elements. (C) Embryonal carcinoma. Longitudinal scan shows relatively homogeneous tumor

(arrow). (D) Yolk sac, or Endodermal sinus tumor. Longitudinal scan shows a mildly heterogenous tumor extending to the mediastinum (arrow).

(E) Teratoma. Longitudinal scans shows a large heterogeneous mass with cystic foci and scattered calciications. (F) Choriocarcinoma. Longitudinal

scan shows a relatively homogeneous tumor (arrows).



FIG. 22.7 Occult Testicular Seminoma With Retroperitoneal Metastases. (A) Contrast-enhanced CT scan shows extensive retroperitoneal

adenopathy from seminoma. (B) Longitudinal sonographic scan shows occult homogeneous hypoechoic seminoma. The physical examination of

the testis was negative.

tumor outgrowing its blood supply. Tumors are typically clinically

occult with the afected testis normal or small on palpation.

Histologic analysis may reveal no residual tumor, although

intratubular malignant germ cells may be present. 25,28,54 hese

lesions, also known as “Azzopardi tumors,” have a variable

sonographic appearance; they can be hypoechoic or hyperechoic

or seen as focal calciications. Although sonographic appearance

is not speciic for a “burned-out” or regressed tumor, indings

are suggestive in the context of histologically proven testicular

metastases. 56

Non–Germ Cell Tumors

Sex Cord–Stromal Tumors. Sex cord–stromal tumors

account for 3% to 6% of all testicular neoplasms. he prevalence

is greater in the pediatric population where non–germ cell tumors

account for 10% to 30% of all testicular neoplasms. he term

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