Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 52 The Pediatric Urinary Tract and Adrenal Glands 1803


FIG. 52.42 Normal Intrarenal Circulation in a 3-Year-Old Boy. (A) Longitudinal color Doppler sonogram shows the segmental vessels at

the hilum, the interlobar vessels alongside the pyramids, and the arcuate vessels at the inner edge of the cortex. (B) Spectral display from a normal

interlobar artery (low resistance, high diastolic low) and vein (pulsatile, relecting right atrial pulsations). (C) Power Doppler sonogram displays

blood low extending to the periphery of the renal cortex.


has the same result. Finally, signiicant compression from a

hematoma, lymphocele, or the tight abdominal wall around an

adult kidney transplanted into a small child can also cause

compression of vessels and decrease intrarenal arterial low.

he successful Doppler examination of intrarenal arteries

therefore includes the following two steps:

1. Comparing the RI with either the RI on the other side or the

RI from a previous examination

2. Reviewing the pertinent pathophysiologic factors involved

in a patient with high RI

Causes of Increased Resistive Index in

Renal Arteries



Vascular spasm in shock

Endothelial inlammation in hemolytic-uremic syndrome


Intrarenal edema

Renal vein thrombosis

Acutely obstructed ureter

Endoluminal lesion

FIG. 52.43 Causes of Increased Resistance to Intrarenal Arterial


intravascular, perivascular, and perirenal (Fig. 52.43). Any decrease

in the size of the lumen of small intrarenal arteries or arterioles

(spasm, as in shock; endothelial inlammation, as in hemolyticuremic

syndrome [HUS]) leads to increased resistance to arterial

inlow. Compression of small vessels by intrarenal edema (e.g.,

secondary to renal vein thrombosis) may result in identical arterial

Doppler tracings. Back pressure from an acutely obstructed ureter




Tight abdominal wall

Clinical Applications

Vessel Patency

he Doppler examination is a reliable indicator of the patency

of the renal arteries, of the veins, and of the presence of intrarenal

perfusion. herefore the examination is particularly useful in

the evaluation of renal allograt perfusion immediately ater

surgery. It is also useful in the exclusion of arterial injury ater

trauma, especially when the renal architecture is sonographically

normal and other, more invasive examinations are not indicated.

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