Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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Index I-35

Kidneys, pediatric (Continued)

sonographic technique for, 1776–1781

patient preparation for, 1776, 1776t

transplantation of

Doppler ultrasound in, 1807–1812

parenchymal abnormalities and, 1809–1810,


perinephric luid collections in, 1809, 1811f

tumors of, 1812, 1813f

urologic complications and, 1810–1812

vascular complications in, 1807–1809, 1808f,


trauma to, 1801, 1802f

tumors of, 1818–1820

angiomyolipoma as, 1820, 1822f

mesoblastic nephroma as, 1818–1820, 1821f

MLCN as, 1820, 1822f

RCC as, 1820, 1821f

renal lymphoma as, 1820, 1823f

Wilms, 1818, 1818f–1820f

vascular disease of, Doppler assessment of,


acute renal vein thrombosis and, 1804–1805,

1804b, 1804f

clinical applications of, 1803–1805

HUS and, 1805, 1807f

increased resistance to intrarenal low and,

1802–1803, 1803b, 1803f

normal anatomy and low patterns and,

1801–1802, 1803f

renal artery stenosis and, 1805, 1805t, 1806f

in renal transplantation, 1807–1809, 1808f,


technique for, 1801

vessel patency and, 1803–1804

volume of

by age, with single functioning kidney, 1779t

determination of, 1776, 1776f

mean total, 1779t

reference values for, according to age and

gender, 1776–1778, 1778t

Kimura disease, 1635

Klebsiella, 846

Kleihauer-Betke test, 1421

Klinefelter syndrome, 826

pediatric, 1891

testicular microlithiasis and, 1904

Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome,

hemimegalencephaly associated with,


Knee, dislocations of, pediatric, 1933–1934, 1934f

Kniest dysplasia, achondrogenesis type 2

diferentiated from, 1391

Krukenberg tumor, 585

Küttner tumor, 1635


body stalk anomaly and, 1329

fetal, 1404

in skeletal dysplasias, 1382

Kyphosis, fetal, 1235–1237, 1236f, 1237b

cervical, in campomelic dysplasia, 1381–1382


Labor, preterm, 1495–1496. See also Preterm birth

Labrum, of acetabulum, 1923


pediatric pregnancy and, 1884

renal, 365–366, 366f

Lactobezoars, 1840, 1841f


in posterior angled transaxial scan plane,


in posterior transaxial scan plane, 1222f

in spina biida, 1228, 1229f–1230f

Laminectomy, spinal sonography ater, 1697

Langerhans cell histiocytosis

in infant, 1751f

metastasis of, to teste, 1901

Langer-Saldino form of achondrogenesis, 1391

Laparoscopy, for ectopic pregnancy, 1076

Large bowel, dilated loops of, 1311–1312

Large-for-gestational age (LGA) fetus, 1453–1454

diabetic mothers and, 1454, 1455t

incidence of, 1453–1454

sonographic criteria for, 1454t–1455t

Larsen syndrome

elbow and knee dislocation and, 1933–1934

teratologic hip dislocation and, 1932

Laryngeal webs, fetal, CHAOS and, 1253

Laryngoceles, pediatric, 1650

Laryngotracheomalacia, 1395

Larynx, fetal, CHAOS and, 1253

Lateral nasal prominence, 1134, 1134f

Lateral resolution, 19, 19f

Lehman syndrome, spina biida and, 1226


adenomyosis coexisting with, 541

bladder, 356

gastric, 265f

gastrointestinal, endosonographic identiication

of, 301

paratesticular, 1903–1904

renal, 355–356

spermatic cord, 840–841, 840f

uterine, 538–540, 539f, 540b

Leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata, 523–524,



bladder, 356

gastric, 265f

paratesticular, 1903–1904

uterine, 540, 541f

Lemierre syndrome, 1658, 1661f

Lemon sign, in Chiari II malformation, 1183–1185,


spina biida screening and, 1221, 1232–1233

Lemon-shaped skull, 1136, 1137f

Lenticulostriate vasculopathy, 1203, 1204f, 1585,


neonatal/infant, 1556–1557

Leptomeningeal collaterals, MCA occlusion, 1610

Leriche syndrome, 441–442

Lesser omentum, portal hypertension and

thickened, 1756, 1756f

Lesser peritoneal sac, 218–219, 220f


acute lymphocytic, AKI and, 1796

liver metastases from, pediatric, 1746

lymphadenopathy from, 1724

ovarian iniltration by, pediatric, 1880

in pancreas, pediatric, 1865

renal involvement in, 353–354

salivary gland iniltration by, pediatric, 1639

testicular, 827, 828f

pediatric, 1901, 1901f

Leukodystrophy, megalencephaly associated with,


Leukomalacia, periventricular. See Periventricular


Levocardia, 1273

Levotransposition, of great arteries, 1289–1290

Levovist, 55–56, 107, 111f

Leydig cells

testosterone secretion and, 819

tumors of, 826, 827f

pediatric, testicular, 1900, 1900f

LGA. See Large-for-gestational age fetus

LHBT. See Long head biceps tendon

LHR. See Lung-to-head circumference ratio

Li-Fraumeni syndrome

adrenocortical neoplasms and, 1827

prenatal intracranial tumors in, 1208


anatomy of, normal, 862–863, 863f

falciform, 77, 79f

pediatric, 1731, 1731f–1732f

injuries to, 862–863, 863f–864f

diagnosing, 864, 864f

of liver, 77, 79f–80f

ultrasound techniques for, 862–864

Ligamentum teres, 77, 80f

Ligamentum venosum, 77

pediatric, 1731, 1731f

Limb deformities, congenital

pediatric, 1933

PFFD and, 1933, 1934f

tibial hemimelia and, 1933

Limb enlargement, asymmetrical, 1403

Limb pterygium, 1403

Limb reduction defects, 1399–1404

amniotic band sequence as, 1401, 1403f

arthrogryposis multiplex congenita as,

1401–1404, 1405f

caudal regression syndrome as, 1401, 1404f

deformations as, 1399

disruptions as, 1399

isolated, 1400

malformations as, 1399

nomenclature of, 1400t

proximal focal femoral deiciency as, 1400, 1400f

radial ray, 1400–1401, 1401f–1402f

sirenomelia as, 1401, 1404f

terminal transverse, 1400

Limb shortening, patterns of, 1381, 1381b, 1382f

Limb-body wall complex, 1182–1183, 1329

OEIS diferentiated from, 1328–1329

Limb–body wall complex, 1401

Limey bile, 194, 195f

Lindegaard ratio, 1596, 1609–1610

Linea alba, appearance of, 489, 489f

Linea alba hernias, 488–491. See also Hernia(s),

linea alba

Linear array transducers

beam steering in, 10–11, 11f

use and operation of, 11–12

Lingual thyroid, pediatric, 1639

Lipid cysts, in breast, 775–779, 779f

Lipoadenomas, parathyroid, 735

Lipoleiomyomas, 539f, 540


corpus callosum, 1529, 1533f

ilum terminale, 1674

closed spinal dysraphism and, 1684–1685,


intracranial, fetal, 1209–1210, 1210f

intradural, pediatric, 1686, 1687f

intramedullary, 1686

intramuscular, simulating anterior abdominal

wall hernias, 500, 502f

of liver, 117–118, 119f

midline, in corpus callosum agenesis, 1201

pancreatic, 249–251, 250f

paratesticular, 1903–1904

parotid gland, pediatric, 1639

simulating groin hernias, 500, 501f

spermatic cord, 840–841, 840f

spina biida occulta with, 1226


simulating anterior abdominal wall hernias,

500, 502f

tethered cord and, 1679

ultrasound techniques for, 870, 871f, 871t

Volume I pp 1–1014 • Volume II pp 1015–1968

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