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CHAPTER 34 The Fetal Brain 1187

Cerebral hemisphere development starts at about 5 weeks

with prechordal mesoderm migration into the area anterior to

the notochord where under genetic control it induces midface

and forebrain development. Normally apoptosis of midline areas

results in separation of facial and prosencephalic structures into

let and right sides by 5 weeks. he failure to separate by apoptosis

results in the fused cerebral and facial appearances of HPE. he

severity of facial dysmorphism correlates with cerebral abnormalities

in about 80% of cases (“the face predicts the brain”). Not

surprisingly, additional abnormalities involving any part of the

brain and body are found in about 50% to 65% of cases. 149-153

HPE etiology and phenotype are heterogeneous and result

from multiple varied genetic and environmental “hits” to the

development process. HPE is part of diferent syndromes and

about 40% have chromosomal abnormalities, but many cases

are sporadic and without etiologic explanation. 150-152,154

Factors Associated With

Holoprosencephaly 149-151,153

Environmental teratogens: alcohol, smoking, retinoic acid,

salicylates, anticonvulsants

Metabolic: insulin-dependent diabetes (1% risk)

Infections: cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, rubella

Syndromes with normal karyotype (about 25% of






Chromosomal abnormalities

Trisomy 13 (70% have holoprosencephaly)

Trisomy 18


Gene mutations

SHH (Sonic Hedgehog; expressed in notochord and

loor plate of neural tube)

ZIC2 (has role in neurulation in dorsal midline)

Unexplained/sporadic (50%-65%)

Isolated HPE can have autosomal dominant inheritance with

incomplete penetrance and variable expression. Parents of afected

children should be examined for mild manifestations such as

single central incisor and absent nasal cartilage. 153-155

HPE is a continuous malformation that is classically divided

by DeMyer 156 into three overlapping phenotypic types depending

on severity: alobar (75% of cases, monoventricular, face typically

abnormal), semilobar (10% of cases, anterior hemispheres fail

to separate but there are two posterior lobes), and lobar (10%

of cases, two hemispheres form, but the anterior forebrain is

incompletely separated). About 5% are atypical forms, including

a midline interhemispheric form (syntelencephaly). Severe

cases oten have a dorsal cyst, the dilated suprapineal recess of

the third ventricle dilation secondary to obstruction of CSF low

by thalamic fusion 149,151-154 (Fig. 34.16, Video 34.7). he range of

abnormalities is much larger than these simple categorizations

suggest, involving not only the cerebrum but also basal ganglia

and other lower areas. Furthermore, there are microforms of

HPE with mild manifestations such as single midline incisor

tooth, hypotelorism, or absence of olfactory lobes. 149,151-154

General Anatomic Classiication of

Holoprosencephaly 151,153


Single forebrain ventricle

No interhemispheric division

Absent olfactory tracts

Absent corpus callosum

Nonseparation (fusion) of deep gray nuclei

Dorsal cyst

Facial abnormality common


Rudimentary cerebral lobes

Incomplete anterior hemisphere division

Absent or small olfactory tracts

Absent anterior corpus callosum (posterior part may


Variable nonseparation of deep gray nuclei


Fully developed cerebral lobes

Distinct interhemispheric division

Midline continuous frontal neocortex

Corpus callosum absent, hypoplastic, or normal

Separation of deep gray nuclei

Fused fornices

Azygous (wandering) anterior cerebral artery



Failed separation of parietal hemispheres

Vertical sylvian issure appearing to connect across the

midline at the vertex

Anterior and posterior corpus callosum formed

Absent or abnormal central corpus callosum

Normal separation of hypothalamus and lentiform nuclei

Gray matter heterotopia

Prenatal diagnosis is based mainly on imaging indings. 149,154

HPE has been diagnosed as early as 9 weeks through demonstration

of a single ventricle, single orbit, and proboscis. 152,153 In such

early cases, it is important not to mistake the normal rhombencephalic

cavity for HPE.

In later pregnancy, typically there is absence of the CSP, variable

absence of the falx, and fused appearance of midline structures.

Alobar holoprosencephaly has three variants—pancake, cup,

and ball—depending on the size and coniguration of the dorsal

cyst. he pancake type has a small, lattened plate of cerebrum

anteriorly, with a large dorsal cyst posteriorly. he cup type has

more anterior cerebrum, forming an anterior cuplike mantle

and a dorsal cyst. he ball type has a single, featureless, monoventricle

surrounded by a mantle of ventricle of varying thickness.

With semilobar holoprosencephaly there is a rudimentary

attempt at cleavage of occipital horns (see Fig. 34.16D). Because

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