Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 16 The Adnexa 583





FIG. 16.19 Dermoid Cysts: Spectrum of Appearances. (A) Small, highly echogenic mass in an otherwise normal ovary. (B) Transverse TAS

shows the uterus (U). In the right adnexal region, there is a highly echogenic and attenuating mass (arrows), the “tip of the iceberg” sign. (C)

Highly echogenic intraovarian mass with no normal ovarian tissue. (D) Mass of varying echogenicity with hair-luid level (straight arrow) and highly

echogenic, fat-containing dermoid plug (curved arrow) with shadowing. (E) Mass with fat-luid level (arrow), with dependent layer more echogenic.

(F) Mass containing uniform echoes, small cystic area, and calciication (arrows) with shadowing. (G) Combination of dermoid mesh and dermoid

plug appearances. (H) Dermoid mesh, multiple linear hyperechogenic interfaces (lines and dots) loating within cystic mass. (I) Multiple mobile

spherical echogenic structures loating in a large, cystic pelvic mass.

the nondependent layer will be more echogenic. 169 Another rare

but characteristic feature is multiple mobile spherical echogenic

structures loating in a large, cystic pelvic mass 170 (Fig. 16.19I).

hese spheres are typically composed of desquamative keratincontaining

ibrin, hemosiderin, and hair.

Patel et al. 171 found that an adnexal mass showing two or

more characteristic sonographic dermoid features had a positive

predictive value of 100%. Pitfalls in the diagnosis of cystic teratomas

have been described. 172 Acute hemorrhage into an ovarian

cyst or an endometrioma may be so echogenic that it resembles

a dermoid plug. However, posterior sound enhancement is usually

seen with acute hemorrhage, whereas the dermoid plug tends

to attenuate sound. Other pitfalls include pedunculated ibroids,

especially lipoleiomyomas, and perforated appendicitis with an

appendicolith. An echogenic dermoid may appear similar to

bowel gas and may be overlooked. If a deinite pelvic mass is

clinically palpable and the sonogram appears normal, the patient

should be reexamined, to carefully assess for a dermoid.

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