Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 49 The Pediatric Spinal Canal 1687






FIG. 49.20 Intradural Lipomas. (A) Transverse views in a 2-week-old girl demonstrate mild rightward deviation of the low spinal cord, which

is also pulled into an abnormally dorsal position by the lipoma (L). (B) Sagittal views of the low cord with the clearly visible tethering lipoma (black

arrows). (C) The correlative sagittal T2-weighted magnetic resonance image, oriented to match the ultrasound, reveals the abnormally low cord (C)

and the lipoma (curved black arrow). In another newborn, (D) sagittal and (E) transverse views of the spine demonstrate a dorsal intradural lipoma

tethering the spinal cord; the tip ends at mid L3. 1 indicates the 1st lumbar vertebral body. L, Lipoma. (D and E courtesy of Dr. Kathy McCarten.)

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