Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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500 PART II Abdominal and Pelvic Sonography

FIG. 13.61 Strangulated Femoral Hernia. Short-axis view shows

strangulated left femoral hernia that shows two additional gray-scale

indings of strangulation: transudative or exudative luid and isoechoic

thickening of the hernia sac wall. See also Video 13.23.

Nuck (see Fig. 13.63A; Video 13.24). Hydroceles are usually

unilocular and ixed in position within the canal, but can become

lobulated and septated as they enlarge.

Hematomas and inlammation may occur in the inguinal

regional in proximity to the round ligament and can give rise

to cysts and leiomyomas. Unlike inguinal canal hydroceles, which

are ixed in position, round ligament cysts can be mobile and

can move back and forth between the abdominal cavity and the

inguinal canal. he round ligament contains smooth muscle ibers

from which leiomyomas can arise. Round ligament varices

develop as collateral pathways for uterine venous drainage during

pregnancy. hey are usually asymptomatic and incidental, but

in some patients can cause a tender, palpable, inguinal or labial

abnormality that can mimic a hernia 55 (see Fig. 13.63B). hey

usually resolve spontaneously and completely ater delivery, but

in a few patients can persist and cause inguinal pain and swelling

months or years ater the last pregnancy. hey are relatively

inapparent with the patient in the supine position, but become

larger and have faster low in the upright position. Occasionally,

round ligament variceal thrombosis occurs spontaneously, most

oten in the postpartum period when collateral uterine low

through them regresses. Endometriomas can occur along the

course of the round ligament within the inguinal canal (see Fig.

13.63C). hey oten have a history of cyclic variation in size and


he most common benign tumor of the inguinal region is a

lipoma. 6 Most so-called inguinal canal lipomas are not true

lipomas, but rather nonsliding-type indirect inguinal hernias

that contain only properitoneal fat. However, true lipomas can

occur anywhere along the length of the inguinal canal and into

the scrotum or labium majus (see Fig. 13.63D-E).

Other benign tumors of the groin include leiomyomas, dermoid

cysts, epidermoid cysts, and lymphangiomas.

Other entities that can occur in the inguinal region include

desmoids, sarcomas, hematomas, seromas, undescended testes,

and metastatic peritoneal implants. 6

Inguinal lymphadenopathy, common femoral or external iliac

artery aneurysms and pseudoaneurysms, iliopsoas bursae, and

sebaceous cysts can all occur within the groin, but outside the

inguinal canal. In addition, pain from intraabdominal inlammatory

processes can simulate groin pain; acute appendicitis

and acute diverticulitis can cause pain near the groin.

FIG. 13.62 Strangulated Periumbilical Epigastric Linea Alba

Hernia. The fat is hyperechoic, the sac wall is isoechoic and thickened,

and a small bowel loop (b) has a thickened wall and is aperistaltic. The

hernia sac is outlined by arrows.

does not fuse while segments proximal and distal to it do fuse.

his leads to accumulation of luid within the unfused segment

of processus vaginalis and forms a localized process hydrocele.

In males these occur within the inguinal canal next to the

spermatic cord and can compress the cord. In females the unfused

processus vaginalis is called the canal of Nuck, so this localized

cyst or hydrocele is termed a cyst or hydrocele of the canal of

Entities That Simulate Anterior Abdominal

Wall Hernias

Subcutaneous or intramuscular lipomas have a sonographic

appearance identical to those of the inguinal canal or labium.

In patients being evaluated for incisional hernias, exuberant

scars and fat necrosis resulting from previous surgeries can

clinically simulate an anterior abdominal wall incisional hernia.

Hematomas of the rectus abdominis (Fig. 13.64A) or oblique

muscles can cause pain and swelling that simulate anterior

abdominal wall hernia. he patient usually (but not always) has

a history of signiicant acute trauma.

Anterior abdominal wall desmoids are usually sporadic.

hey arise from the ibrous elements of the anterior abdominal

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