Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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Index I-25

Gallbladder (Continued)

adenomas of, 203–204, 205f

adenomyomas of, 202–204, 204f–205f

adenomyomatosis of, 202, 203f–205f

agenesis of, 190–194

anatomy of, 188–194, 193f

aspiration of, 614, 616f

biliary sludge and, 194–195, 196f

calciication of, 202, 202f

carcinoma of, 206–207, 206f

drainage of, 613–614, 616f

duplication of, 194

fetal, 1318–1319, 1319f

choledochal cysts and, 1319, 1320f

enlarged, 1318

gallstones and, 1319, 1320f

nonvisualization of, 1318–1319

gallstone disease of, 194, 195f

hepatization of, 195

hourglass, 202, 205f

intrahepatic, 188–190, 193f

malignancies of, 204–206

milk of calcium bile and, 194, 195f

pediatric, wall thickening in, 1741

perforation of, 198f, 200

polyps of, 203–206, 203b

cholesterol, 203, 205f

inlammatory, 203–204, 205f

porcelain, 202, 202f

small, in biliary atresia, 1737, 1738f

sonographic nonvisualization of, causes of,

190–194, 194b

sonographic technique for, 194

variants of, normal, 188–194

volvulus of, 201

wall thickening in

causes of, 198, 199f, 200b

in children, 1741

hyperemia in, in acute cholecystitis, 197f,


sympathetic, 199–200, 201f

Gallstone disease, 194, 195f


acute pancreatitis and, 221

fetal, 1319, 1320f

pediatric, 1741, 1743f

diseases associated with, 1741b

Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGTP), 1318

Gamna-Gandy bodies, in spleen, 157



injection for, 907–909, 909f

ultrasound techniques for, 869–870, 869f

subacromial-subdeltoid bursa thickening with,

889–891, 892f

Ganglioneuroblastoma, pediatric, 1825

Ganglioneuromas, adrenal, 427–428

benign, pediatric, 1825

Gangrene, Fournier, 846–847

Gangrenous appendix, pediatric, 1857, 1861f

Gangrenous cholecystitis, 198f, 200

Gartner cyst, pediatric, 1883–1884

Gas, free intraperitoneal, in acute abdomen,

277–281, 282f

Gas bubbles, free, as blood pool contrast agents, 55

Gastric diaphragm, pediatric, 1839, 1840f

Gastric ulcers, pediatric, 1839–1840, 1840f

Gastric vein, let, pediatric

Doppler studies of, best approach for, 1752

low direction of, in portal hypertension, 1752,


in intrahepatic portal hypertension, 1761

Gastritis, pediatric, 1839–1840, 1840f

Gastrocolic trunk, pancreatic head and, 212

Gastroduodenal artery, pancreatic head and,

211–212, 213f

Gastroesophageal relux, sonographic detection,

1834, 1834f

Gastrointestinal tract. See also Acute abdomen;

Crohn disease

acute abdomen and, 277–290

anatomy of, 257–261

CF and, 300

Crohn disease and, 266–269

endosonography of, 300–307

for anal canal, 302–307, 304f–307f, 306b

for rectum, 301–302, 301f–304f

for upper gastrointestinal tract, 300–301

gut edema and, 295, 297f

gut signature and, 257, 257f–259f, 257t

infections of, 295–300

AIDS patients and, 296

bezoars and, 300

celiac disease and, 300

congenital cysts and, 297, 298f

hematomas and, 299

intraluminal foreign bodies and, 300

ischemic bowel disease and, 297

mucocele of appendix and, 299, 299f

peptic ulcer and, 299, 300f

pneumatosis intestinalis and, 297–299, 299f

pseudomembranous colitis and, 296–297, 298f

layers of, 257, 257f–258f

masses of, 592

mechanical bowel obstruction and, 293

neoplasms of, 261–266

adenocarcinoma as, 261–264, 263f–264f

lymphoma as, 264–266, 266f

metastases as, 266, 267f

stromal tumors as, 264, 265f

paralytic ileus and, 294f, 295


cysts of, 1860–1862, 1863f–1864f

duplication cysts of, 1860, 1863f, 1875

neoplasms of, 1860–1862, 1864f

sonographic technique for, 257–261, 262f

Gastrointestinal tract, fetal, 1304–1322. See also

speciic organs

anomalies of, hydrops from, 1427–1428, 1428f


fetal, 1322–1325

associated conditions of, 1324–1325

epidemiology of, 1322–1323

management of, 1325

pathogenesis of, 1323

prenatal diagnosis of, 1323–1324, 1324f

maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein elevation in,


Gastrulation, 1053

disorders of, 1686–1689

in spine embryology, 1672

Gaucher disease, spleen and, 157, 158f

Gel cysts, 779, 781f


fetal, identiication of, 1367, 1367f

in multifetal pregnancy, chorionicity and, 1119

pediatric kidney length according to, 1776–1778,


pediatric kidney volume according to,

1776–1778, 1778t

TCD sonography velocity evaluation and, 1595

Genetic amniocentesis, 1108–1109, 1108f

Genetic disorders, fetal hydrops from, 1432

Genital tract, fetal, 1366–1369

abnormal, 1367–1368, 1368f

hydrocolpos and, 1368

normal, 1366–1367, 1366f–1367f

ovarian cysts and, 1369, 1369f

Genitalia, fetal

abnormal, 1367–1368, 1368f

ambiguous, 1365, 1368f

normal, 1366–1367, 1366f–1367f

Genitourinary tract. See also Bladder; Kidney(s);

Renal artery(ies); Renal cell carcinoma;

Renal vein(s); Transitional cell

carcinoma; Ureter; Urethra; Urinary tract

abnormalities of, in Miller-Dieker syndrome,


anatomy of, 311–314

bladder diverticula and, 374, 374f

congenital anomalies of, 317–323

bladder development and, 322

kidney ascent and, 318

kidney growth and, 317–318

ureteral bud and, 318–321

urethral development and, 323, 323f

vascular development and, 321–322

duplex collecting system and, 319, 320f

embryology of, 311

infections of, 323–333

AIDS and, 331–333, 332f–333f

alkaline-encrusted pyelitis as, 324–325

Candida albicans as, 330–331, 331f

cystitis as, 333

echinococcal disease as, 331, 332f

fungal, 330–331

papillary necrosis as, 328–329, 329b, 329f

parasitic, 331

pyelonephritis as, 323–328

pyonephrosis as, 325, 326f

schistosomiasis as, 331

tuberculosis as, 329–330, 330f

medical diseases of, 369–372

acute cortical necrosis as, 370, 372f

acute interstitial nephritis as, 370

acute tubular necrosis as, 370

amyloidosis as, 372

diabetes mellitus as, 372

endometriosis as, 372, 372f

glomerulonephritis as, 370, 371f

interstitial cystitis as, 372, 373f

neurogenic bladder and, 372–374, 373f

obstruction of

hydronephrosis and, 316, 317b

pitfalls in assessment of, 317

postsurgical evaluation of, 374–375

sonographic technique for, 314–315

stones in, 334–340

trauma to, 365–366

tumors of, 340–356

adenocarcinoma as, 348

angiomyolipoma as, 351–352, 351f–352f

leukemia as, 353–354

lymphoma as, 352–353

metastases as, 354–355

oncocytoma as, 348–351

rare, 355–356

renal cell carcinoma as, 340–344

squamous cell carcinoma as, 348

transitional cell carcinoma as, 346–348

urachal adenocarcinomas as, 355

vascular abnormalities of, 366–369

AVF and malformation as, 366–367, 366f

renal vascular Doppler ultrasound and, 366

Germ cell tumors

ovarian, 582–585

pediatric, 1879

testicular, 822–825, 822b

mixed, 822–823, 825f

nonseminomatous, 823–824, 825f

regressed, 824–825, 825f–826f

thymus, 1723–1724

Volume I pp 1–1014 • Volume II pp 1015–1968

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