Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1592 PART V Pediatric Sonography

include the need for intensive training, diiculty in inding speciic

vessels by sound, and lack of unit availability in radiology departments.

Duplex Doppler sonography with color imaging using

low MHz transducers via the temporal bone has increased the

utility of TCD sonography. Advantages of TCDI include rapid

vessel identiication, a shorter learning curve, and availability of

units in radiology departments. his imaging technique allows

more conident vessel identiication, resulting in easier, more

reliable, and reproducible information. 8-11 However, with training

and experience, both techniques have been shown to be reliable

and reproducible. 12,13


he anterior fontanelle typically remains open through the irst

year of life. Once closed, three cranial windows (in addition to

burr holes and surgical defects) can be used routinely to insonate

the intracranial circulation: the transtemporal window, orbital

window, and the suboccipital window. he submandibular

window can also be used to complete the examination of the

cervical segment of the internal carotid artery (ICA). 14

he transtemporal approach is through the thin suprazygomatic

portion of the temporal bone using a low MHz (2- to 2.5-MHz)

transducer. he transtemporal acoustic window is usually found

on the temporal bone just cephalad to the zygomatic arch and

anterior to the ear. he intracranial anatomic landmark in this

plane by gray-scale imaging is the heart-shaped cerebral

peduncles (Fig. 47.1A). Just anterior to the peduncles is the

star-shaped, echogenic interpeduncular or suprasellar cistern.

Anteriorly and laterally from this basilar cistern lies the echogenic

issure for the middle cerebral artery (MCA). Color Doppler

sonographic imaging (Fig. 47.1B, Video 47.1) and spectral analysis

(Figs. 47.1C and 47.2A, Video 47.2) of this vessel show low

toward the transducer. Insonating the vessel deeper toward the

midline directs the operator into the bifurcation of the A1 segment

of the anterior cerebral artery (ACA) and the MCA (Video

47.3). Spectral analysis at this bifurcation landmark will show

bidirectional low, that is, low toward the transducer in the

MCA and low in the ACA away from the transducer (Fig. 47.2B).

As the Doppler gate is moved more medial anteriorly, low is

seen entirely in the ACA away from the transducer (Fig. 47.2C).

he MCA should be studied from its most peripheral location

to the point of bifurcation, and the ACA studied as medially as

possible. he distal internal carotid artery (DICA) is just inferior

to the bifurcation. he low of the DICA may be dampened with

a harsher sound from the increased angle of insonation, with

low typically directed toward the transducer (Fig. 47.2D). he

posterior cerebral artery (PCA) can be visualized as it circles

around the cerebral peduncles. Flow in this vessel may be away

or toward the transducer depending on curser placement (Fig.

47.2E). At times, the MCA, the ACA, and the PCA on the opposite

side may also be visualized. Ideally, each side should be studied

through the ipsilateral window whenever possible.

he vertebral and basilar arteries can be studied through the

suboccipital window via the foramen magnum with a low MHz

transducer. he patient lies on one side or prone, and the head

is bowed slightly so the chin touches the chest, causing a gap

between the cranium and the atlas to enlarge. he transducer is

placed midline in the nape of the neck and angled through the

foramen magnum toward the orbits. he normal landmark is

the rounded hypoechoic medulla just anterior to the echogenic

clivus (Fig. 47.3A). he vertebral arteries appear in a V-shaped

manner as they rise to the medullopontine junction to form the

basilar artery between the hypoechoic medulla-pons junction

and the echogenic clivus (Fig. 47.3B). From this posterior view,

low in the vertebral and basilar arteries should be directed away

from the transducer (Fig. 47.3C).

he transorbital window allows for evaluation of the ophthalmic

artery (OA), the retinal artery, and the carotid siphon.

his evaluation is performed with the eyes closed using a higher

MHz (5- to 7.5-MHz) transducer on its lowest power setting

(Fig. 47.4). Unlike the temporal approach in which the bone

attenuates a majority of sound thus requiring a low MHz transducer,

the luid-illed globe only minimally attenuates the sound

waves. Although no bioefects from the ultrasound evaluation

of the eye are known, ocular damage can potentially occur as

ultrasound energy can create cavitation and heat. he U.S. Food

and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines suggest limiting

spatial peak temporal average to 17 mW/cm 2 for orbital imaging

and limit the mechanical index to 0.28. 15,16 he time of insonation

must also be as minimal as possible to decrease risk of damage

to sot tissues. 17 he FDA has approved certain imaging transducers

on various manufacturer equipment for the evaluation of

the orbit. It is important for operators to determine which

transducer is approved for orbital imaging for their system.

A liberal amount of gel is needed on the eyelid with only light

pressure utilized on the globe. he orientation marker should

be pointed medially toward the nose. Flow in the OA should

be toward the transducer. he OA enters the optic foramen

and lies lateral and slightly inferior to the optic nerve. It then

usually crosses superior to the optic nerve and proceeds anteriorly

on the medial side of the orbit. he color pulse repetition

frequency should be decreased to visualize the OA. he mean

velocity of the OA is 21 + 5 cm/sec with high pulsatility. 18 he

central retinal artery branch of the OA is the easiest branch to

interrogate with color low Doppler imaging, just posterior to

the retina. Because visualization of this central retinal artery

entails directing sound waves through the lens, the lowest power

setting must be used to minimize the risk of lens injury and

subluxation. However, a large OA branch proceeds along the

nasal or medial wall of the orbit. Because interrogating this

vessel does not involve directing the sound beam through the

lens, a higher power setting may be used for this branch. In the

carotid siphon, low direction varies depending on the segment:

toward the probe in the infraclinoid segment, bidirectional in the

genu, and away from the probe in the supraclinoid segment. he

mean velocity of the carotid siphon is 47 + 14 cm/sec with a low

resistance signal. 18

he submandibular window, located at the angle of the jaw,

allows for examination of the extracranial ICA, including

morphology, low direction, and velocities. Once the vessels have

been identiied, diferent information can be obtained through

evaluation of the spectral waveform. Flow direction is one of

the irst parameters obtained with evaluations (by convention,

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