Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1314 PART IV Obstetric and Fetal Sonography



FIG. 38.13 Meconium Peritonitis. (A) Transverse image at 34 weeks shows ascites (A) surrounding the liver with associated calciications

(arrowheads) on the liver surface; a inding typical of meconium peritonitis. St, Stomach. (B) Abdominal radiograph in the neonate conirms peritoneal

calciications (arrowheads). See also Video 38.7.



FIG. 38.14 Meconium Pseudocyst. (A) Oblique sagittal view of the torso shows multiple calciications on the peritoneal surface of the liver

in a fetus with a meconium pseudocyst (arrowhead), with an irregularly calciied wall. (B) Meconium pseudocyst in another fetus. Note cyst with

debris with calciied rim (arrows). (With permission from McNamara A, Levine D. Intraabdominal fetal echogenic masses: a practical guide to

diagnosis and management. Radiographics. 2005;25[3]:633-645. 32 )

or greater than that of adjacent bone, such as the iliac bone. 106

To avoid a false-positive diagnosis due to artifacts and image

processing, the diagnosis of echogenic bowel requires that the

lowest level of ultrasound gain at which bones still appear white

be used and that all image enhancement algorithms be disabled

(Fig. 38.15, Video 38.8). he use of a high-frequency probe

(8 MHz) can lead to overdiagnosis of echogenic bowel 107 ; therefore

the diagnosis of echogenic bowel should always be conirmed

using a low-frequency (≤5 MHz) probe. Despite these attempts

to standardize the diagnosis of echogenic bowel, it should be

recognized that there is a signiicant subjective component in

the diagnosis of echogenic bowel, which can lead to signiicant

interobserver variability. 108

When strict diagnostic criteria are used, the incidence of

echogenic bowel in the general obstetric population is 0.2% to

0.7%. 79,106 Because the echogenicity of normal bowel increases

throughout pregnancy, the inding of echogenic bowel becomes

normal in the third trimester. In particular, meconium in the

colon can be seen normally as echogenic material in the third


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