Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1794 PART V Pediatric Sonography


FIG. 52.28 Renal Abscess. (A) Longitudinal image of the right kidney reveals upper-pole swelling with loss of normal corticomedullary differentiation

(arrows). (B) Transverse image of the right upper renal pole depicts an irregular intraparenchymal luid collection (arrows). (C) Power Doppler

image of the right upper pole shows diminished blood low as well as the intraparenchymal luid collection (arrows). L, Liver.



FIG. 52.29 Pyonephrosis in a 4-Month-Old Infant With Underlying Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction. (A) and (B) Sagittal and transverse

images of the left kidney depict moderate hydronephrosis with echogenic material in the collecting system and a prominent luid-luid level in the

renal pelvis (arrows).

Chronic Pyelonephritis

Chronic pyelonephritis is caused by repeated episodes of acute

pyelonephritis and results in a small, scarred kidney, indicative

of end-stage renal disease. he kidney is usually irregular in

outline because of focal parenchymal loss. he renal cortex is

typically more echogenic than the adjacent hepatic or splenic

parenchyma, and there may be decreased corticomedullary

diferentiation (Fig. 52.30). hese indings are not speciic and

can also be seen in children with chronic glomerulonephritis,

renal dysplasia, hypertension, or renal ischemia.

Neonatal Candidiasis

Candida albicans is a saprophytic fungus that usually infects

immunocompromised patients, particularly neonates with

indwelling catheters receiving broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Systemic candidiasis leads to infection of multiple organs, including

the kidneys, and neonates may have anuria, oliguria, a lank

mass, or hypertension. Sonography may show difuse enlargement

of the kidney, with loss of normal architecture and increased

parenchymal echogenicity. Fungus ball formation due to mycelial

clumping may occur in the collecting system, resulting in

echogenic masses and hydronephrosis secondary to obstruction 76

(Fig. 52.31).


Inlammation of the urinary bladder may occur in children as

a result of infection or drug therapy, as with the antineoplastic

agent cyclophosphamide. he bladder wall becomes thickened

and irregular, with hypervascularity identiied with color and

power Doppler imaging. Echogenic debris or blood clot may be

seen in the bladder lumen 77 (Fig. 52.32). Rarely, an inlammatory

pseudotumor may result, with visualization of a bladder mass 78

(Fig. 52.33, Video 52.5).


he term “medical renal disease” refers to disorders that primarily

afect the renal parenchyma and may be acute or chronic.

Ultrasound is usually the initial imaging study performed in the

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