Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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FIG. 27.29 Chronic Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT). (A) Duplex Doppler longitudinal image of chronic femoral vein DVT, with small vein

and peripheral nonocclusive low. (B) Duplex Doppler longitudinal image of chronic DVT and scarring in a patent popliteal vein, with peripheral

irregular residual thrombus.



FIG. 27.30 Chronic Vein Occlusion With Collaterals. (A) Transverse image of the popliteal fossa shows multiple small collateral veins (*) in

the region of the popliteal vein, adjacent to the popliteal artery (A) in the setting of chronic popliteal vein deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and scarring.

(B) Longitudinal image of chronic DVT and scarring in the popliteal vein shows mildly compressible nonocclusive thrombus with some portions

adhering to the wall, in a small vein. See also Video 27.14.



FIG. 27.31 Chronic Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) With Vein Web. Longitudinal gray-scale (A) and color Doppler (B) images show linear

weblike chronic DVT (cursors) with patent channels around the web.

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