Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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Index I-53

Shunt(s) (Continued) Skeletal dysplasia, fetal (Continued) Small bowel (Continued)

right-to-let, pediatric, TCD sonography

evaluation of, 1614–1618

splenorenal, in portal hypertension, pediatric,

1757, 1759f

ventriculoperitoneal, for Dandy-Walker

malformation, 1530

vesicoamniotic, for lower urinary tract

obstruction, 1363–1365, 1364f, 1365t

Shwachman-Diamond syndrome, nesidioblastosis

and, 1865, 1865f

Sialadenitis, pediatric, chronic, 1634–1635, 1635f

Sialoblastoma, salivary gland, pediatric, 1638–1639

Sialolithiasis, pediatric, of submandibular gland,

1633, 1633f

Sickle cell disease (SCD)

ACA stenosis with, 1607f

bone marrow transplantation for, 1598

cerebrovascular disease indicators with, 1598,


MCA and, 1600f, 1604f–1605f

ophthalmic artery low as, 1599f

stroke and, 1601f–1603f

DICA stenosis and, 1606f

moyamoya angiopathy and, 1598, 1600f, 1602f,

1608f, 1610

silent cerebral infarcts and, 1598

sleep-disordered breathing and, 1611

spleen in, 157

stroke and

cerebrovascular disease indicators with,


risk categories for, 1599–1604, 1605t,


screening for, 1598

velocity indications of, 1605–1607

TCD sonography for, 1591, 1598–1608, 1599b,


Side lobe artifacts, 19, 20f

Side lobes, 19, 20f

Silent cerebral infarcts, SCD and, 1598

Silent (painless) thyroiditis, 725–727

Silicon granulomas, in extracapsular breast implant

rupture, 805–807, 806f

Silver-Handmaker, 1399

Simple cysts

of breast, 774, 775f

of pediatric testes, solitary, 1901–1902

Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome

CDH and, 1263

hyperechogenic kidneys in, 1351

Single-photon emission computed tomography

(SPECT), 747, 747f

Sinus bradycardia, fetal, 1297

Sinus venosus ASD, 1280, 1282f


dorsal dermal, pediatric, 1686, 1688f

urachal, 322, 323f

Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome, 1762–1763

Sirenomelia, fetal, 1238, 1238f, 1401, 1404f

Sirenomelia sequence, sacral agenesis in, 1237

Site-speciic ovarian cancer syndrome, 578

Situs inversus totalis, of liver, 80

Sjögren syndrome, chronic pediatric sialadenitis in,


Skeletal deformities, fetal lung size and, 1244

Skeletal dysplasia, fetal

categories of, 1377t

diagnosis of, 1376–1377, 1377b

femur/foot length ratio in, 1379

hydrops from, 1432

lethal, 1386–1396

achondrogenesis as, 1391

campomelic dysplasia as, 1395, 1396f

features of, 1386b

hypophosphatasia as, 1392–1395, 1395f

osteogenesis imperfecta as, 1391–1392

short-rib polydactyly syndromes as,

1395–1396, 1397f

thanatophoric dysplasia as, 1387–1390

lethality of, pulmonary hypoplasia and, 1382,


nonlethal or variable prognosis, 1396–1399

asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia as, 1398

chondrodysplasia punctata as, 1399

diastrophic dysplasia as, 1398, 1398f

dyssegmental dysplasia as, 1399

Ellis-van Creveld syndrome as, 1398–1399

heterozygous achondroplasia as, 1396–1398,


micromelic dysplasia as, 1397t

osteogenesis imperfecta types I, III, IV as,


rhizomelic dysplasia as, 1397t

prevalence of, 1376, 1377t

sonographic evaluation of, 1379–1386, 1379b

with abnormal bone length or appearance,

1380–1384, 1381b, 1382f–1384f

additional imaging in, 1384–1386

molecular diagnosis in, 1385–1386

MRI in, 1385

with positive family history, 1379–1380

radiography in, 1384

3-D ultrasound in, 1384, 1385f

three-dimensional CT in, 1384–1385

Skeletal dysplasia, pediatric, atypical hips and,


Skeletal survey, in fetal hydrops diagnosis,


Skeleton, fetal. See also Limb reduction defects

aneuploidy indings in, 1407–1409

limb reduction defects and, 1399–1404

normal, 1089–1097

development of, 1089, 1378f

extremity measurements of, 1089, 1379t,


triploidy and, 1408–1409

trisomy 13 and, 1408, 1408b

trisomy 18 and, 1408, 1408b

trisomy 21 and, 1408, 1408b

Skin folds, thickened, in lethal skeletal dysplasias,


Skull, fetal

cloverleaf-shaped, 1136

craniosynostosis with, 1137f–1138f

in skeletal dysplasias, 1382

in thanatophoric dysplasia type 2, 1388–1389,


lemon-shaped, 1136, 1137f

strawberry-shaped, 1136, 1137f

Sleep apnea, pediatric TCD sonography for, 1611

Sleep-disordered breathing, 1611

“Sliding organ sign”, 566

Slipped capital femoral epiphysis, 1931–1932



acute pancreatitis and, 221

gallbladder and, 194–195, 196f

gallbladder, pediatric, 1741, 1743f

spontaneous PTB and, 1503

tumefactive, 195, 196f, 1741

SMA. See Superior mesenteric artery

Small bowel. See also Bowel; Echogenic bowel

fetal, 1308–1316

anorectal malformations and, 1310–1312,


dilated loops of, 1311–1312

duodenal atresia and obstruction of,

1308–1309, 1310f

echogenic, 1313–1316, 1315f

enteric duplication cysts and, 1312–1313,


Hirschsprung disease and, 1312, 1312f

jejunoileal atresia obstructing, 1310, 1311f

meconium ileus and, 1310

meconium peritonitis and, 1313, 1313t,


meconium pseudocyst and, 1313, 1314f

lymphoma of, 266, 266f

pediatric, 1841–1847

anatomy of, 1841, 1842f

intussusception and, 1844–1845, 1849f

obstruction of, 1842–1843, 1846f

sonographic technique for, 1841

Small bowel mesentery, 505, 505f

Small saphenous vein, 981–982, 981f

Small-for-gestational age (SGA) fetus, 1454–1455,


SMI. See Superb microvascular imaging

Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome

ambiguous genitalia and, 1367

microcephaly in, 1194

SMV. See Superior mesenteric vein

Snell law, 5

Society for Fetal Urology, grading system of, for

hydronephrosis, 1354, 1355f

SOD. See Septo-optic dysplasia

Sot tissue(s)

foreign bodies embedded in, 872, 873f

ganglia, compression and, 865

heating of, 37–38, 37f

infection of, 872–874, 873f–874f

masses of, 869–872, 869f–872f, 871t

perienteric, in acute abdomen, 281–282

sarcomas, 871–872, 872f

thermal index for, in early, 1039

tumors of, fetal face and, 1154, 1160f

Sot Tissue hermal Index (TIS), 39

Solid-pseudopapillary tumor, 248, 248f

Soluble form, of injectable steroids, 900

Somites, in spine embryology, 1216–1217, 1217f,


Sonazoid, 56

Sonochemistry, acoustic cavitation and, 42,


Sonographic air bronchograms. See Air

bronchograms, sonographic

Sonohysterography, uterine, 529

Sonoluminescence, 42

SonoVue, 56

Sotos syndrome, megalencephaly associated with,



attenuation of sound energy, 5–7, 7f, 35

intensity of, 5

physical efects of, 35

propagation of, 2–3, 3f

propagation velocity of, 2–3, 3f

relected, 3–4

theoretical understanding of, 58–59

Sound waves, 2, 2f

Spatial compounding, 13–15, 14f–15f

Spatial focusing, tissue heating and, 35

Spatial peak temporal average (SPTA), 32

Spatial resolution, 16–19, 18f–19f

Speckle, 4, 5f

contrast efect of, 13–15, 14f

spatial compounding and, 13–15

SPECT. See Single-photon emission computed


Volume I pp 1–1014 • Volume II pp 1015–1968

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