Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 8 The Gastrointestinal Tract 271



FIG. 8.14 Concerning Features for Severe Disease and Complication on Bowel Ultrasound in Two Patients. (A) A long-axis view of the

terminal ileum shows bowel wall thickening and abundant surrounding echogenic inlammatory fat. The serosal margin of the bowel shows spiculation.

(B) A long-axis view of the terminal ileum shows a hypoechoic bowel with loss of wall layering. There is a ixed acute angulation as well as spiculation

of the serosal margin. Both the spiculation and ixed angulation have an association with stricture and perforation.





FIG. 8.15 Creeping Fat in Two Patients With Crohn Disease. (A) Cross-sectional view of terminal ileum shows a hyperechoic mass effect

(arrows) along the medial border of the gut representing creeping fat. (B) Conirmatory CT scan shows both the thick wall of the terminal ileum

and the streaky fat (arrows). In another patient, (C) long-axis and (D) cross-sectional images of the sigmoid colon show gut wall thickening and

surrounding echogenic inlammatory fat (arrows).

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