Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 45 Neonatal and Infant Brain Imaging 1531




FIG. 45.23 Agenesis of Corpus Callosum (ACC) With Elevation of Third Ventricle and Continuation Into a Large Dorsal Cyst. (A) Coronal

sonogram and (B) and (C) computed tomography scans show widely separated frontal horns (F), a large third ventricle that extends superiorly as

a dorsal cyst (3) between the lateral ventricles in a newborn who also had Dandy-Walker malformation.

foramen of Magendie and vallecula, which may be enlarged with

hydrocephalus, are not mistaken for a Dandy-Walker anomaly 25

(see Fig. 45.9C). he Dandy-Walker spectrum varies greatly with

vermian hypoplasia, an enlarged fourth ventricle, a large aqueduct,

and a large third ventricle. 14 Chromosomal abnormalities occur

in up to 30% of these infants. Associated CNS or extra-CNS

anomalies may afect the outcome of the infant more than the

Dandy-Walker spectrum. 31,57

Two diferential diagnoses of posterior fossa cystic lesions

mimic Dandy-Walker syndrome. A mega–cisterna magna is

described as the mildest form of this spectrum and includes no

mass efect, no hydrocephalus, and a normal cerebellar vermis,

fourth ventricle, and cerebellar hemisphere (Fig. 45.27). A

posterior fossa subarachnoid cyst can be diferentiated from

Dandy-Walker malformation or spectrum by the lack of communication

of the cyst with the fourth ventricle. he normal

fourth ventricle, vermis, and cerebellum are displaced by the

arachnoid cyst. 58,59

Posterior Fossa Cystic Lesions

Dandy-Walker Malformation

Hypoplastic vermis with rotation

Blake pouch cyst

Mega–cisterna magna

Posterior fossa subarachnoid cyst

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