Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 4 The Liver 133





FIG. 4.67 Secondary Signs of Functional Shunt. All images show gross ascites, which suggests a dysfunctional shunt. (A) Gray-scale and

(B) color Doppler images show a patent transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt. Velocities throughout the shunt were about 130 cm/sec,

which is normal. (C) Sagittal image shows that low in the main portal vein is appropriately directed toward the shunt, appearing red. (D) Transverse

image of the porta hepatis shows the ascending left portal venous branch is blue, lowing toward the shunt; this is also the correct direction.

Therefore despite the ascites, the ultrasound evaluation does not show a dysfunctional shunt.

Relative contraindications to percutaneous biopsy are an

uncorrectable bleeding diathesis, an unsafe access route, and

an uncooperative patient. Ultrasound guidance allows real-time

observation of the needle tip as it is advanced into the lesion.

Several biopsy attachments allow continuous observation of the

needle as it follows a predetermined path. Alternatively, many

experienced radiologists prefer a “freehand” technique. Even

small masses (2.5 cm) can undergo successful biopsy using

sonographic guidance. 237 Ultrasound guidance may also be used

in percutaneous aspiration and drainage of complicated luid

collections in the liver. Ultrasound-guided percutaneous ethanol

injection has been used in the treatment of HCC and hepatic

metastases. 238


Intraoperative ultrasound is now an established application of

ultrasound technology. he exposed liver is scanned with a sterile,

7.5-MHz transducer or one covered by a sterile sheath. Intraoperative

ultrasound has been found to change the operative strategy

in 31% to 49% of patients undergoing hepatic resection, either

by allowing more precise resection or by indicating inoperability

because of unsuspected masses or venous invasion. 239,240 Studies

emphasize further improvement of surgical outcome with the

addition of CEUS to intraoperative procedures. 241 Improved

detection of metastases on CEUS undoubtedly accounts for this


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