Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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I-64 Index

Walker-Warburg syndrome

cobblestone lissencephaly in, 1195

Dandy-Walker malformation diferentiated

from, 1190

diagnosis of, 1195

vermian hypoplasia with, 1191

Wall ilters

in Doppler ultrasound, 29, 30f

in renal artery duplex Doppler sonography, 449

Wall-echo-shadow complex, 194, 195f

Wandering spleen, 159, 161f

pediatric, 1770–1772

Warfarin, 598

Warthin tumor, 1638

Watchful waiting, for prostate cancer, 401

Water enema technique, contrast agents in,

1870–1871, 1871f

Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome, 422

Waveform(s). See also Tardus-parvus


of carotid arteries, 925–926, 925f

intrarenal, in renal artery duplex Doppler

sonography, 450, 450f

Wavelength, in sound waves, 2, 2f

Weaver syndrome, megalencephaly associated

with, 1194–1195

Wedge hepatic venography, 1764

Weigert-Meyer rule, 1359, 1783

Weight, fetal

assessment of, 1450–1453

in relation to gestational age, 1451–1453,

1452t, 1453f

estimation for, 1450–1453

formulas in, 1451, 1451t

gestational age compared to, 1453, 1453f

recommended approach in, 1451, 1452t

Weight, pediatric, kidney length compared to,


at birth, 1776–1778, 1780f

Weighted mean frequency, in color Doppler

ultrasound, 28

Wells score, 979

Weyers acrodental dysostosis, 1395

WFUMB. See World Federation for Ultrasound in

Medicine and Biology

Wharton duct, pediatric, 1630–1631, 1631f

Wharton jelly, 1059, 1482

Whipple resection, 233

“Whirlpool” sign, of midgut volvulus, 1841–1842,


White matter injury of prematurity (WMIP), 1512,

1550–1553. See also Periventricular


Wilms tumor, 1352–1353, 1804

neuroblastomas mistaken for, 1818


kidneys and, 1818, 1818f–1820f

liver metastases from, 1746

metastasis of, to teste, 1901

Windsock coniguration, duodenal diaphragm in,

1842, 1844f

WMIP. See White matter injury of prematurity

Wolian (mesonephric) duct, 820–821

Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (4p − ), 1139, 1140f

midface hypoplasia in, 1148

World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and

Biology (WFUMB), 1041

Wormian bones, 1139, 1139b, 1139f

Wrist, injection of, 901

supericial peritendinous and periarticular, 904,



Xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis, 202

Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (XGP), 328,

329f, 348

X-linked hydrocephalus, 1177

X-linked NTDs, 1226


Yersinia, 1852–1853, 1852f

“Yin-yang” pattern, in renal biopsy

pseudoaneurysms, 1809, 1811f

Yolk sac tumors, 585, 823–824, 825f

Yolk sac(s)

angiogenesis wall of, 1057

assessment of, 1016, 1016b

calciication of, 1067, 1068f

diameter of, measurement, 1017f

echogenic material in, 1067–1068

embryo in, 1058f

hematopoiesis in, 1057

identiication of, in gestational age

determination, 1445, 1445f, 1446t

MSD and, 1057

normal sonographic appearance of, 1057, 1058f

number of, amnionicity and, 1117

in nutrient transfer, 1057

primary, formation of, 1051, 1052f

secondary, formation of, 1051, 1053f

size and shape of, in early pregnancy failure,

1067–1068, 1068f

transvaginal ultrasound for identiication of,


Yolk stalk, 1059


Zellweger syndrome, 1196, 1399

subependymal cysts from, 1566

Zero baseline, shiting, to overcome aliasing, 939

Zika virus, 1194, 1203–1204

congenital, neonatal/infant brain and, 1560

Zona fasciculata, 417

Zona glomerulosa, 417

Zona reticularis, 417

Zuckerkandl fascia, 314

Zygosity, in multifetal pregnancy, 1115–1116, 1116f

Zygote, formation of, 1051, 1051f

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