Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 21 The Breast 783

L 7 1B RAD



FIG. 21.33 Septations Within Cystic Masses. (A) Thick, isoechoic septations within complex cystic and solid masses are suspicious for

intracystic papilloma or intracystic papillary carcinoma. (B) Thin, echogenic septations are not suspicious. Such septations represent residual walls

of cystically dilated acini within a single terminal ductolobular unit (TDLU) and can be thought of as clusters of simple cysts.



FIG. 21.34 Cysts With Mural Nodules. (A) Mural nodules that protrude beyond a circular or elliptical shape (arrowheads), lack a thin echogenic

capsule at the point of attachment to the cyst wall, are angular at the point of attachment, or extend into surrounding ducts (arrows) are suspicious

for intracystic papilloma or intracystic papillary carcinoma. (B) Mural nodules that are caused by papillary apocrine metaplasia remain conined within

the circular or elliptical shape of the cyst. The thin, echogenic outer wall of the cyst is intact all along the attached surface of the mural nodule


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