Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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422 PART II Abdominal and Pelvic Sonography




FIG. 11.7 Adrenal Pheochromocytoma. (A) Sagittal

gray-scale and (B) color Doppler sonograms show a

cystic and solid, well-circumscribed, left adrenal mass.

(C) Computed tomographic scan demonstrates an enhancing

heterogeneous mass (arrow) with cystic components, and

luid-luid levels representing hemorrhage or necrosis.

of cystic lesions include thickened wall or septations, or internal


Cystic Adrenal Lesions


Endothelial cyst

Epithelial cyst

Infection (echinococcus, abscess)

Necrotic neoplasm

Cystic pheochromocytoma


Adrenal hemorrhage

Adrenal Hemorrhage

Adrenal hemorrhage is bilateral in 20% of cases. his is most

commonly associated with anticoagulation use, trauma,

postoperative status from surgery, postprocedure ater adrenal

venography, sepsis, or burns. In rare cases, spontaneous adrenal

hemorrhage has been associated with meningococcal septicemia

known as Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome. In the context

of trauma, adrenal hemorrhage oten suggests traumatic injury

to other solid abdominal organs. Bilateral adrenal hemorrhage

predisposes for adrenal insuiciency. 41 Adrenal hemorrhage can

sometimes be associated with an underlying lesion, which can

be diicult to ascertain in the acute setting. An underlying lesion

may be suspected in cases of intralesional enhancement on MRI

or metabolic activity on 18 FDG-PET CT. 40

Sonographic Features

In the acute setting, adrenal hemorrhage can appear solid and

difusely or heterogeneously echogenic. he hemorrhage becomes

progressively heterogeneous in echogenicity with time, and

chronic hematomas can have central cystic components. Calciication

can also occur in the chronic setting. Adrenal hemorrhage

is avascular on Doppler interrogation. 42 (Fig. 11.9).

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