Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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Index I-5

Arrays, transducer, 11–12

Arrhenoblastoma, 585

pediatric, 1880


early pregnancy loss and, 1069

Ebstein anomaly with, 1286

fetal heart, 1295–1297

bradycardia as, 1297, 1297f

CHD and, 1270–1273

congenital heart block as, 1297, 1297f

hydrops from, 1424, 1425f

PACs and PVCs as, 1295–1296

tachycardia as, 1296–1297, 1296f

Arsenic, 123

Arterial venous (AV) anastomoses, 1125, 1125f

Arterial/arterial (AA) anastomoses, 1125, 1125f

Arteriomegaly, 440

Arteriovenous istulas (AVFs)

arteries supplying, spectral broadening in,


of common femoral artery, 974f

dural, TCD sonography assessing, 1614

hemodialysis and

aneurysms near, 1003, 1005f

arm and leg swelling with, 1006, 1009f

hematomas near, 1002–1003, 1005f

maturation of, evaluating, 1003

occlusion of, 1006

palpable focal masses near, 1002–1003

placement of, 996, 997f

pseudoaneurysms near, 1003, 1005f

stenoses associated with, 1003–1006,


ultrasound evaluation of, 1000–1006,


of lower extremity peripheral arteries, 973–974,


ater pancreas transplantation, 678, 680f

pediatric, of neck, 1658

renal, 366–367

percutaneous needle biopsy of, 606, 607f

renal biopsies and, Doppler assessment of, 1809,


traumatic, 973

Arteriovenous grat, synthetic, hemodialysis and

arm and leg swelling with, 1006, 1009f

hematomas near, 1002–1003

occlusion of, 1006, 1010f

palpable focal masses near, 1002–1003

placement of, 996, 997f

ultrasound evaluation of, 1002, 1004f

Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs)

arteries supplying, spectral broadening in, 927–928

cerebral, pediatric, TCD sonography detecting,

1614, 1615f

fetal hydrops from, 1430–1431

of lower extremity peripheral arteries, 973

pediatric, of neck, 1657–1658, 1659f

pial, 1204–1205

postpartum recognition of, 556, 556f

renal, 366–367, 367f

renal transplantation complications from,

661–664, 667f–670f

twinkling artifacts mimicking, 662–664, 668f

Arteriovenous shunting, in fetal sacrococcygeal

teratoma, 1238–1239


alloimmune, ater pancreas transplantation, 677

of common carotid artery, 944–946, 947f

Takayasu, aortic stenosis in, 444

Artery(ies). See speciic arteries


osteoarthritis, 869, 869f

acromioclavicular joint, 893, 894f

Arthritis (Continued)

psoriatic, of hand and wrist, injections for, 904

rheumatoid, 866

erosive, 867, 868f

gout and, 867–869, 868f

of hand and wrist, injections for, 904

joint efusion in, 867, 867f

septic, pediatric, 1936, 1937f

Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita

elbow and knee dislocation and, 1933–1934

indings in, 1382

as limb reduction defect, 1401–1404, 1405f

teratologic hip dislocation and, 1932


inlammatory, 866

shoulder and, 893–894, 894f

shoulder and, 893–894

degenerative, 893, 894f

inlammatory, 893–894, 894f

Articular-sided rotator cuf tears, 888, 890f


anisotropic efect, 1517

blooming, 60–61

comet-tail, 202, 695

in benign and malignant thyroid nodule

diferentiation, 712–713

in degenerative cysts of thyroid, 1646, 1647f

Doppler ultrasound sources of, 29b

empty stomach, 1838, 1839f

enhancement as, 21, 22f

lash, 60–61

loss of information from, 19–21

misregistration, 3f, 420–421

multipath, 19–21, 21f

propagation velocity, 3, 3f, 420–421

refraction, 5, 6f

reverberation, 19, 20f

posterior, liver abscess and, 85–86, 87f

ring-down, 266, 266f

shadowing as, 19–21, 22f

side lobe, 19, 20f

tangential imaging, of pyloric muscle, 1834–

1835, 1836f

TGC settings and, 19–21

thump, 60

tissue vibration, 973–974, 974f


bezoars and, 1840

mimicking AVMs ater renal transplantation,

662–664, 668f

renal calculi indicated by, 336, 337f


biliary, 181

intestinal, pediatric, 1853, 1853f


chylous, 508

exudate, 506–507


cloacal exstrophy and, 1328

in hydrops, 1413, 1415f–1416f, 1435, 1436f

meconium peritonitis and massive, 1418–

1419, 1421f

parvovirus infection and massive, 1418–1419

urinary, from bladder rupture in posterior

urethral valves, 1361, 1361f

from gastrointestinal tract metastases, 266, 267f

meconium peritonitis and, 1313

particulate, 507

pediatric, pleural luid diferentiated from, 1709

peritoneum and, 506–508, 507f–509f

small bowel mesentery assessment with, 505,


transudate, 506–507

ASD. See Atrial septal defect

ASH. See Asymmetrical septal hypertrophy

Asherman syndrome, 551

Aspergillosis, neonatal chylothorax from, 1704f


intrauterine, near-total, acute, in difuse cerebral

edema, 1553–1554, 1555f

neonatal/infant brain and, duplex Doppler

sonography of, 1580

pediatric, TCD sonography in, 1614, 1616f

Asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia, 1398

Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy, 1396

polydactyly in, 1382

Aspiration, for pyogenic liver abscesses,


Aspirin, 598–599

Asplenia, 159–160

in cardiosplenic syndrome, 1292, 1293b

fetal, 1320

univentricular heart with, 1287–1288

Assisted reproductive technology, multifetal

pregnancy incidence and, 1115

Astrocytomas, neonatal/infant brain and, 1562

Asymmetrical ibroglandular tissue, split-screen

imaging and, 769, 769f

Asymmetrical septal hypertrophy (ASH), 1292,


Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study

(ACAS), 916

Atelectasis, pediatric, 1714, 1716f

Atelencephaly, 1186

hydranencephaly diferentiated from, 1208

Atelosteogenesis, 1396

Atheromatous carotid plaques, characterization of,


Atherosclerosis, 432–433

renovascular disease and, 368

Atherosclerotic disease, peripheral arterial stenosis

in, 968, 976, 978f

Atherosclerotic disease, renal artery stenosis and,


Atherosclerotic plaque rupture, 919–920

Athletes, direct inguinal hernias in, 485–486

Athletic pubalgia. See Sports hernias

ATN. See Acute tubular necrosis

Atrazine, fetal gastroschisis and, 1322–1323

Atretic cephalocele, 1180

Atretic meningocele, tethered cord and, 1679

Atrial ibrillation, fetal, 1296

hydrops from, 1424

Atrial lutter, fetal, 1296

hydrops from, 1424

Atrial pacemaker, 1295–1296

Atrial septal aneurysm, PACs and, 1295

Atrial septal defect (ASD), 1277–1280,


coronary sinus, 1280

ostium primum, 1279–1280, 1282f–1283f

ostium secundum, 1279–1280, 1282f

prenatal diagnosis of, 1280

sinus venosus, 1280, 1282f

types of, 1282f

Atrioventricular block (AVB), 1297

Atrioventricular (A-V) canal

defects of, 1284

in trisomy 21, 1098f

Atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD), 1279, 1282f,

1284–1286, 1284f–1285f

balanced compared to unbalanced, 1285

complete compared to incomplete, 1284–1285,


in trisomy 21, 1101, 1284

Atrioventricular valves, of fetal heart, 1274–1275

Atrium of lateral ventricles, neonatal/infant, in

coronal imaging, 1515

Volume I pp 1–1014 • Volume II pp 1015–1968

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