Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 26 The Extracranial Cerebral Vessels 927



FIG. 26.17 Incorrect Doppler Angle Theta. Velocity obtained in the internal carotid artery (ICA) with angle theta of 60 degrees (A) is less

accurate than the velocity obtained from the same area of the same ICA with an angle theta of 70 degrees (B).

(bandwidth) and thus quantitate spectral broadening. he validity

of these measurements remains unproved, however, and further

correlative studies are needed to document the relationship of

quantitative spectral broadening parameters to speciic degrees

of stenosis. 104 Most tables no longer include a measurement for

spectral broadening when grading carotid stenosis. Nevertheless,

a visible gestalt of the amount of spectral window obliteration,

as well as color Doppler heterogeneity, provides a useful, if not

quantitative, predictor of the severity of low disturbance.

FIG. 26.18 High-Grade External Carotid Artery (ECA) Stenosis.

Elevated velocities and visible narrowing. Spectral broadening is

present. Color Doppler spectral broadening is also seen.

interrogated with a consistent angle theta between the transducer

and the vessel maintained throughout the examination, when

possible. Generally, only the origin of the ECA is evaluated because

occlusive plaque is less common here than in the ICA and is

rarely clinically important. A stenosis of the ECA should be

noted because it may account for a worrisome cervical bruit

when the ICA is normal. 30

Spectral Broadening

Atheromatous plaque projecting into the arterial lumen disturbs

the normal, smooth laminar low of erythrocytes. he RBCs

move with a wider range of velocities, so the spectral line becomes

wider, illing in the normally black spectral window. his phenomenon,

termed spectral broadening, increases in proportion

to the severity of carotid artery stenosis 102-104 (Fig. 26.18, Video

26.21). Some duplex machines allow the operator to measure

the spectral spread between the maximal and minimal velocities

Pitfalls in Interpretation

Pseudospectral broadening can be caused by technical factors,

such as too high a gain setting. In such cases the background

around the spectral waveform oten contains noise. Whenever

spectral broadening is suspected, the gain should be lowered to

see if the spectral window clears. Similarly, spectral broadening

caused by vessel wall motion can occur when the Doppler sample

volume is too large or positioned too near the vessel wall.

Decreasing the size of the sample volume and placing it midstream

should eliminate this potential pitfall.

Altered low patterns can normally be found at certain sites

in the carotid system. For example, it is normal to ind low

separation at the site of branching vessels, such as where the

CCA branches into the ECA and ICA. 105 Flow disturbances also

occur at sites where there is an abrupt change in the vessel

diameter. For example, low disturbances and bizarre waveforms

caused by low separation may be encountered in a normal

carotid bulb where the CCA terminates in a localized area of

dilation as it divides into the ECA and ICA 15 (Fig. 26.19).

he tendency for spectral broadening increases in direct

proportion to the velocity of blood low. For example, spectral

broadening can be observed in a normal ECA, vertebral arteries,

and CCA supplying circulation contralateral to an occluded

contralateral ICA. Increased velocity may also account for the

disturbed low that is sometimes observed in the normal extracranial

carotid arteries of young athletes with normal cardiac

outputs or in patients in pathologically high cardiac output states.

It is also seen in arteries supplying arteriovenous istulas

and malformations. 15,106,107 Postoperative spectral broadening

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