Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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588 PART II Abdominal and Pelvic Sonography





FIG. 16.24 Progression of Pelvic Inlammatory Disease. (A) TVS gray-scale and (B) color Doppler images show a normal appearing left

fallopian tube by gray-scale imaging but markedly increased associated vascularity using color Doppler, consistent with salpingitis. (C) TVS image

of a tubo-ovarian complex, a complex mass of fallopian tube and ovary that can still be identiied as separate structures. (D) TVS color Doppler

image of a tubo-ovarian abscess, a cystic, vascular mass containing thick septations in which the fallopian tube and ovary are no longer identiiable.

See also Video 16.11.

folded coniguration, and well-deined walls. 190 he dilated tube

can be distinguished from a luid-illed bowel loop by the lack

of peristalsis. A luid-pus level may occasionally be seen (Fig.

16.24A). Anechoic luid within the tube indicates hydrosalpinx.

In assessing 14 acute and 60 chronic cases of PID, Timor-Tritsch

et al. 188 described three appearances of tubal wall structure: (1)

cogwheel sign, an anechoic cogwheel-shaped structure visible

in the cross section of the tube with thick walls, seen mainly in

acute disease; (2) “beads on a string” sign, hyperechoic mural

nodules measuring 2 to 3 mm on cross section of the luid-illed

distended tube, caused by degenerated and lattened endosalpingeal

fold remnants and seen only in chronic disease; and (3)

incomplete septa, hyperechoic septa that originate as a triangular

protrusion from one of the walls, but do not reach the opposite

wall, seen frequently in both acute and chronic disease and not

discriminatory. Patel et al. 191 found that the presence of a tubular

luid-illed mass with diametrically opposed indentations in the

wall (“waist sign”) had the highest likelihood ratio in discriminating

hydrosalpinx from other adnexal masses (Fig. 16.23B). 191

Other indings include thick tubal walls and bilateral adnexal

masses appearing as small solid masses or thick-walled cystic

masses. 192 Nonspeciic indings of PID include luid in the

endometrial cavity and/or cul-de-sac, and ill-deined ovarian

enlargement oten. Endometrial thickening or luid may indicate

endometritis. Fluid containing low-level echoes may be demonstrated

in the cul-de-sac consistent with purulent material.

With progression of disease, there is exudation of pus from

the distal fallopian tube, periovarian adhesions may form, with

fusion of the inlamed dilated tube and ovary, forming an inlammatory

tubo-ovarian complex (Fig. 16.24C, Video 16.11). he

ovary is still recognizable but cannot be separated from the tube

by applied pressure using the vaginal transducer. 186 Further

progression results in complete breakdown of tubal and ovarian

architecture so that separate structures are no longer identiied

and there is obscuration of the posterior and lateral margins of

the uterus resulting in a tubo-ovarian abscess (Fig. 16.24D).

Sonographically, this appears as a multiloculated mass with

incomplete septations, irregular margins, and low-level internal

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