Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 45 Neonatal and Infant Brain Imaging 1529





FIG. 45.21 Myelomeningocele, Skin Covered, With No Chiari II Malformation. (A) Midline sagittal brain ultrasound and (B) photograph of

myelomeningocele. (C) Sagittal spine ultrasound and (D) T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging show tethered cord extending almost to the

sacrum. See also Video 45.7.

Agenesis of Corpus Callosum:

Sonographic Findings

Absent corpus callosum

Absent cingulate gyrus and sulcus

Radial arrangement of medial sulci above third ventricle

(“sunburst” sign)

Widely spaced, parallel lateral ventricles

Extremely narrow frontal horns (slitlike)

Concave or straight medial borders secondary to Probst


Colpocephaly (dilated atria and occipital horns)

Elevated third ventricle extending between lateral

ventricles, continuous with interhemispheric issure,

with or without dorsal cyst

Absent septum pellucidum

Corpus Callosum Lipoma

Maldevelopment of embryonic neural crest tissues may result

in lipomas of the interhemispheric issure. hese lipomas have

no mass efect and thus do not require surgery. Corpus callosum

lipomas account for 30% to 50% of intracranial lipomas and are

associated with dysgenesis of the corpus callosum 31 (Fig. 45.25).

Dandy-Walker Spectrum

Dandy-Walker malformation appears as a dilated fourth ventricle

in direct communication with the cisterna magna (Fig. 45.26).

he posterior fossa is enlarged, with elevation of the tentorium

cerebelli, straight sinus, and torcular Herophili at the venous

sinus conluence. he vermis of the cerebellum is hypoplastic

to absent, and the cerebellar hemispheres are variably hypoplastic

and displaced laterally by the enlarged fourth ventricle. he

brainstem may be compressed anteriorly or hypoplastic.

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